The Odyssey
What was life like in ancient greece? Oral Tradition Stories, myths, and poems were memorized and recited by storytellers. These storytellers would travel and “perform” their stories for the people of Greece.
Who was homer? Greek poet/storyteller thought to be blind, but describes events as a seeing person would lived around 800 B.C. Wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey - stories about the war between the Trojans and the Greeks which happened around 1200 B.C.
What is an Epic? a long narrative poem has mythological and legendary characters, places, and events depicts a larger-than-life hero who usually goes on a dangerous journey the hero is usually helped or hindered by the gods and supernatural creatures on his journey gives us an idea of the culture Odysseus
What is common in an epic poem? Homeric Simile, also known as an epic simile. detailed comparison in the form of a simile that is many lines in length. The object of the comparison is usually something strange or unfamiliar to something ordinary and familiar. Epithet Like an adjective. Describes a character, place, or event Ex. “swift-footed Achilles” In Media Res- The action of the epic begins in the MIDDLE of the plot. So, basically, the story begins in the middle.
What is an epic hero? Epic Hero- a larger-than-life figure from history or legend. The hero undertakes a dangerous voyage Demonstrates traits such as courage, loyalty, and honor that are valued by the society in which the epic originates. Epic Heroes: have supernatural abilities or qualities are charged with a quest possess weaknesses travel to supernatural worlds will reach a low point- almost to one of failure
What happened before the odyssey? The Iliad Story of the last year of the Trojan War War had lasted 10 years between the Greeks and the Trojans. The war started when Helen, a Greek, was abducted by Paris, the son of the Trojan king. Troy was defeated when Odysseus and his men were able to get inside the walls of Troy concealed within the body of the Trojan horse.
The Odyssey The story of the journey of Odysseus and his men trying to get home after the Trojan War. Journey lasted10 years an epic about humans on the journey of life overcoming temptations along the way.
themes in the odyssey Theme is the main idea or the message behind a story. Themes in The Odyssey: Hospitality is virtuous Loyalty and perseverance are heroic and admirable Cunning overpowers physical strength Journeys result in personal growth Giving in to temptation has negative effects. Even heroes have flaws