Context and Epic Structure Odyssey Context and Epic Structure
Homer Blind poet attributed to composing “the best” version of the epic poems Iliad and the Odyssey Lived around 700-800n BCE in Ionia, Greece 750 BCE composes the Iliad 800 BCE composes the Odyssey Both stories take place during the Bronze Age (3300-1200BCE), which the Greeks thought of as the Age of Heroes
Odysseus’s World Culture of Bronze Age (3300-1200 BCE) Warrior culture-world filled with violence and hardships Kleos-ancient Greek meaning “fame” this concept to the ancient Greeks is tied to being a great & honorable warrior Epic Boasting- common feature of epic poetry; allows hero to recount his exploits, not always for self praise, but to show he has already won fame and intends to seek it again. if you are the best warrior & die in battle thought that your name would live on in history Nostos-ancient Greek meaning “homecoming” (what the Odyssey is about)
Odyssey In a Nut Shell -Odysseus is the King of Ithaca, leaves wife and infant son, Telemachus, to go to war -He was one of the Kings/Generals at the Trojan War (which lasted 10 Years) -The events of the Trojan War are told in the epic The Iliad by Homer -It takes Odysseus ANOTHER 10 Years to get home -These events are told in The Odyssey by Homer
Epic Structure Beginning “In Media Res”-a literary term that means "in the middle of the action;," epics often begin in this manner (Homer uses flashbacks at the beginning) Address to the Muse “invocation”-an appeal for aid (especially for inspiration) is made to a muse or deity, usually at or near the beginning of the work Flashback-interruptions that writers do to insert past events in order to provide background or context to the current events of a narrative Catalogues-A long list of things, people, or events Stock phrases-A phrase frequently or habitually used by a person or group, and thus associated with them Epithets-a term used to characterize a person or thing that usually deals with personality or physical traits; it is often a hyphenated phrase ex: grey-eyed goddess
Ancient Greek Concepts Hospitality—friendly behavior to visitors providing food and possibly a place to sleep -this is often talked about in the Odyssey, where visitors are provided with food, shelter, clothing, and are entertained Supplication Is when someone who asks humbly for a favorer from another by bowing down and grabbing their feet -you can supplicate a god or another person -someone who does this is called a supplicant
Ancient Greek Concepts Guest/Host Relationship—ancient Greek idea to create friendships and allies -host is responsible to feed, clothe, & protect guest for 3-7 days - suppose to show hospitality to any stranger that showed up at your door, even if he/she was your enemy -came from myth that Zeus would disguise himself as a beggar & travel to different places asking for hospitality
Theme Theme: the important and often universal ideas explored in a work; it is the idea that the writer wants to reveal about a work Universal—means that these ideas can be found in literature of all cultures and all time periods
Conflict Conflict: the struggle or clash between opposing characters, and/or opposing forces External Conflict: character struggles against an outside force, this force could be another character, society, or nature Internal Conflict: takes place entirely within a character’s own mind; usually between opposing needs, desires, or emotion