Odyssey Citing and Conclusions


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Presentation transcript:

Odyssey Citing and Conclusions Bielec 10H Odyssey Citing and Conclusions

Citing The Odyssey (Odyssey. 9.19-21) Title (in italics) Line number(s) Title Book number (not Roman Numerals) (in italics)

Remember… Include a backslash (/) to show line breaks in quotes more than one line. Block quotations follow the same format as before. Use when text (from the epic) exceeds four lines. When you transition from your writing to the quote, use a colon (:). Remember to tab over twice for each line in the block. Once you finish the quote, the citation goes after the period. Do not use quotation marks

No tab: continue paragraph Block Quote Example Homer opens the epic with: Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story of that man skilled in all ways of contending, the wanderer, harried for years on end, after he plundered the stronghold on the proud height of Troy. (Odyssey.1.1-5) Right away, the reader sees the invocation of the Muse… 1 tab: new paragraph 2 tab: block quotation No tab: continue paragraph

Conclusion Specific  general (opposite of the intro) Begin the conclusion with a few statements that wrap up and reflect on the main idea of your essay. If this were an essay comparing two texts, this would be a good time to connect them.

As you wrap up your conclusion, think of a way to get your reader beyond the text. Hook: get reader into the text You may want to come back to the hook as you end your essay.

Ask yourself: So what? Who cares? Why did you just read this whole paper? What is my point?

Things to Avoid Restating your thesis. While it is OK to come back to the idea of your thesis, there is never a need to simply restate it (unless you have written an enormously long paper). Using phrases like, “In conclusion,” or “in summary”

Introducing new information. (i.e. quotes or statistics) Make sure whatever you write in your conclusion uses a similar writing voice used throughout your paper.

Specific Odysseus consistently shows the traits of an anti-hero. His personality, along with his actions, displays that of a man who should not be looked up to. Throughout the epic, the reader is always looking for signs of Odysseus’ greatness, but is never satisfied because his greatest downfall is his hubris. True heroes always hold a high standard for themselves and remain humble when it is most important. When someone is truly heroic, their appearance matches their reality. True heroes put others before themselves. General

Specific Xenia, though a virtue, should be prudently exercised; one may entertain their foe instead of friend. Nevertheless, through The Odyssey, it becomes unquestionable that hospitality is synonymous with camaraderie and compassion. Its absence, therefore, brings ill will and contempt. While the Greeks glorify this virtue out of obligation and respect for the gods, by nature, people do not genuinely possess such unwavering morals. Our society continues this tradition today, turning xenia into a practice in suspicion and xenophobia. General