Different forms of payment
Today we will learn… about the different ways we can pay for things about the advantages and disadvantages of the different ways of paying
How do we pay for things? In your group talk about the different ways we can pay for things? How many different ways could you think of? What do you think is the most popular way of paying for things?
Ways we can pay for things… Debit and credit cards Cash Prepayment cards PREPAID CARD Vouchers PayPal Cheques Cardless payment Cash is not the only way to pay for things, we might use ‘plastic’ money too. Each option will appear on a click
How would you pay for these items? Payment match How would you pay for these items? Holiday, take away, book, bike, restaurant meal, clothes, CD, bus ride, sweets, theme park
What influences the way we pay for things? Why pay this way? What influences the way we pay for things? PREPAID CARD + Advantages… - Disadvantages… Can you think of some advantages ( good things) and some disadvantages ( not such good things) about why you might use each of these types of payment? From left to right; cash, debit and credit card, prepaid card, cheques, vouchers or coupons, PayPal, cardless payments
Produce a brief guide about the payment method you’ve been given: Ways to pay guide Produce a brief guide about the payment method you’ve been given: Draw a picture of it e.g. some coins or a card Explain the advantages and disadvantages of paying in this way Identify some items you might buy using this method of payment Display your guide with those your classmates have produced
So today we have learnt… That cash is not the only way to pay for things, there are many different methods There are good things and not so good things about each of the different ways of paying