How To Lobby Your Legislators on EFCA
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How To Lobby Issue to Cover in Your Meetings Employee Free Choice Act
Employee Free Choice Act: Key Points How To Lobby Employee Free Choice Act: Key Points Federal government-supervised private ballot elections are generally the best way to choose to join a union Mandatory binding arbitration would impose unwanted employment conditions on both employees and employers Under EFCA, employees would simultaneously lose their rights to vote on union representation and to approve workplace contracts
Your Advantage in Talking with Your Legislators How To Lobby Your Advantage in Talking with Your Legislators You are the expert and know what it’s like on the front line of your workplace Few Members of Congress have an HR background You deal with HR specific issues on a daily basis and understand the real world implications of these proposed changes in workplace policies You are their constituent and work for an employer back in their state or congressional district
How To Lobby Remember, you are representing the HR profession and your organization Clearly explain what impact EFCA will have on your workplace Use workplace experiences that relate to the issue – tell your personal story State your position clearly Ask official/staff to state their position on the issue
How To Lobby Thank them for their time and offer to be a resource for them on HR public policy proposals Leave supporting documents Leave a business card and ask for the staff member’s business card Follow up – send a thank you note that reiterates your position Maintain the relationship you just created
For Questions on Member Advocacy Please contact SHRM’s Member Advocacy Specialist: Recardo Gibson 1-800-283-7476 ext. 6091 Please contact SHRM’s Member Advocacy Specialist Recardo Gibson 1-800-283-7476 ext. 6091