“What your brand says about you” May 2015 “What your brand says about you”
What your brand says about you Action to take away Our Babble Today: Babbling together Babble News What your brand says about you Action to take away
Your successes this month Progress on your Action of the Month Babbling Together Your Elevator Pitch Your successes this month Progress on your Action of the Month What you would like help with
Babble News FSB Awards Babble Hitchin Babble Cambridge Elite space
What is Brand Image “the information and expectations associated with a product, service or the company(ies) providing them” Wikipedia The word "brand" is derived from the Old Norse "brandr" meaning "to burn". It refers to the practice of producers burning their mark (or brand) onto their products.
Leaflets and Business Cards What do these leaflets and business cards say to you about these companies? 7 7
Branding The commercial, with Brook becoming a star, and the music reaching Number 39 in the UK Singles Chart. However, sales of the brand were poor and it was soon taken off the market. The public associated smoking Strand cigarettes with being lonely and were put off from buying them. It is regarded as one of the most disastrous tobacco advertising campaigns of all time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjBHUQEiTPw
What is Branding? John Cleese's shouty Sainsbury's TV ad Sainsbury admitted its 'Value To Shout About' campaign, aired in the late 1990s was a complete flop. The ads featured a garishly-dressed John Cleese marching around the store proclaiming the benefits of Sainsbury's "low-price guarantee" offer. The ad, aimed at breaking down Sainsbury's aloof image, misfired badly, alienating staff and customers, neither of whom wanted to be lectured by the comic actor. It also failed to meet its sales targets. Cleese was subsequently replaced by a gingerbread man. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf0j3Oz6gGY
What is Branding? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKIAOZZritk 10
What words do you want people to think when they see or hear anything to do with your company?
Your business brand - Sharing Discuss these brand words and reflect on how you feel about them 12
Leaflets and Business Cards What do your leaflets and business cards say to you about your company? 13 13
Your company Do your leaflets, website, copy and business cards say what you want to say about your company? 14 14
What are you going to do for your brand?
What your brand says about you Action to take away Our Babble Today: Babbling together Babble News What your brand says about you Action to take away
Meet-up in______________ I want to remember: My action for this month: What I am going to do for another babbler: The best thing about this meet-up:
June 2015 Developing a business Pipeline OR Successfully applying for business awards Contact Kathryne: 07764 657576 (Jayne) www.businessbabble.net Business Babble Kathryne@businessbabble.net
Branding Words Person Negative Prince Philip Posh Spice (Victoria Beckham) Lord Sugar Oscar Pistorius Russell Brand Workshop 1 19
Workshop 1 20
Workshop 1 21
Workshop 1 22
Workshop 1 23
Workshop 1 24
Branding Words Person Negative Gordon Ramsey Lady Gaga Justin Beiber Deborah Meaden Andrew Wakefield Workshop 1 25
Workshop 1 26
Workshop 1 27
Workshop 1 28
Workshop 1 29
Workshop 1 30
My Brand Words How I feel about these brand words: 31