Spring 2014 Presented a workshop: The Wisdom of Experience: The Dual Lives of Three Mothers Making a Difference at the 6th National Biennial Conference on Adolescents and Adults with FASD: Changing the Conversation, Vancouver, BC. Presented a one-day workshop: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): A Frequently Overlooked Diagnosis of Children with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities for the staff from Early Education Services, Brattleboro, VT. Presented a two-hour Grand Rounds: Creating a Circle of Hope: The Role of the Physician in the Identification and Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), Brattleboro, VT. Lectured for the Physician Assistant Program, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Lectured at the Georgetown University Nursing Program, Washington, D.C.
Spring 2014 Presented a one-day workshop: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): A Frequently Overlooked Diagnosis of Children with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities, for teachers at Garrett College, Garrett County, MD. Facilitated a one-day workshop: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): Creating Pathways to Prevention, Intervention & Support; sponsored by NOFAS-Colorado for educators and other professionals, Denver, CO. Co-facilitated a webinar FASD: Creating a Circle of Hope sponsored by the Indian Health Service (IHS) and the University of New Mexico Office of Continuing Medical Education and the UNM Center for Rural & Community Behavioral Health.
Summer 2014 Provided a keynote: Creating a Circle of Hope for the Florida Fights FASD Conference sponsored by the Florida Center for Early Childhood, Sarasota, FL. Facilitated a Webinar: Introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Child Welfare Practice for Maryland child welfare professionals, sponsored by the Child Welfare Academy, University of Maryland, School of Social Work, Baltimore, MD. As requested, briefed aides to Senators Lisa Murkowski, Tom Harkin and Tammy Baldwin and Representatives Rosa DeLauro and Lucille Roybal-Allard on CIFASD and FASD. As requested, briefed staff members for Representatives Tom Cole, Mike Honda, and Don Young on CIFASD and FASD.
Fall 2014 Provided the keynote address: Creating a Circle of Hope, and a workshop FASDs: It Takes a Community for the Oklahoma Child Abuse and Neglect Conference in collaboration with the Oklahoma Drug Endangered Children Alliance, Norman, OK Provided the keynote address: Creating a Circle of Hope for the 2nd Annual District of Columbia FASD Conference; sponsored by Howard University College of Medicine and District of Columbia Department of Health and Human Services and NOFAS. Facilitated a workshop: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): An Invisible Disability for Maryland lawyers at the 2014 Eleventh Annual Child Abuse and Neglect Attorney Conference sponsored by the Foster Care Court Improvement Project, Annapolis, MD. Provided a one-day workshop FASD; Modifying Systems of Care for Improved Outcomes for staff from the Center for Social Change, Elkridge, MD. Presented the keynote address to the Texas FASD Collaborative and state lawmakers at the Texas Capitol Building, Austin, TX.
Fall 2014 Mitchell, K. NOFAS: Twenty Five Years of FASD Prevention, Media, and Policy. Presented at the 3rd EUFASD Conference, Rome, Italy, October 2014. Mitchell, K. Creating a Circle of Hope: Supporting Birth Mothers to Prevent FASD. Presented at the 3rd EUFASD Conference, Rome, Italy, October 2014. Mitchell, K. The NOFAS K-12 Prevention Curriculum: An Evidence Based Model for Educating School Age Populations on FASD. Presented at the 3rd EUFASD Conference, Rome, Italy, October 2014.
Winter 2014-2015 Presented a two-hour workshop: Supporting Women to Prevent FASD in their Offspring; for staff from the Partners with Mom Program, Johns Hopkins HealthCare, Baltimore, MD. Presented a webinar: Resiliency in Families Living with FASD for the Frontier Regional FASD Training Center, Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (CASAT), University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV Presented (two) oral presentations: An International Campaign to Prevent Alcohol use During Pregnancy at the 6th International FASD Conference, Vancouver, B.C. NOFAS had exhibit booth and engaged attendees using social media.
NOFAS-CIFASD NIAAA Twitter Chat – NOFAS conducted a Twitter Chat in collaboration with NIAAA on International FASD Awareness Day. NOFAS Excellence Award – NOFAS presented the Excellence Award to Michael Charness, MD at the June NOFAS Awards Reception.
NOFAS Webinar Series Michael Charness, MD - An Update on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the Risk of Light Drinking During Pregnancy Kathy Sulik, PhD - Animal Model-based FASD Research: Insights Regarding Alcohol-induced Abnormal Development Christina Chambers, PhD - How does mother’s nutrition affect pregnancy outcome in women who drink alcohol? Kenneth Lyons Jones, MD - Alcohol and Pregnancy: What Have We Learned in 40 Years? Jeff Wozniak, PhD – Treating FASD with Nutritional Interventions
Future Presentations/Events: NOFAS Monthly Webinars Scheduled to lecture at the Georgetown University Nursing Program, Washington, D.C. Scheduled to lecture at The George Washington University Physician Assistants Program, Washington, D.C. Scheduled to lecture at the Howard University School of Medicine, Washington, D.C. Justice initiative (Arc, Autism Speaks): FASD and Victimization (white paper, webinar, coalition) Alcohol Awareness Month NOFAS Twitter Chat; co-sponsors CDC, AAP, NAADAC April 23rd (2-3pm EDT) CDC Funding: Discipline specific Twitter Chats/Webinars Scheduled to co-host a U.S. Congressional briefing with the Friends of NIAAA (NOFAS is an Executive Committee member of FoNIAAA, and recommended the topic of FASD and the presenters for a 2015 briefing).
NOFAS Dissemination of CIFASD News and Findings NOFAS Weekly Roundup Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn) Presentations and Meetings
Opportunities for CIFSAD Scientists Video Segment for CIFASD and NOFAS websites Media Releases Media Training Access to FASD constituents Outreach countering media coverage condoning light prenatal alcohol use Participation in social media events Materials for dissemination