The Stirrings of Rebellion The Stirrings of Rebellion Chapter 2 Section 2
Main Idea: Why it Matters Now: Conflict between Great Britain colonies and the American colonies grew over issues of taxation, representation, and liberty. Main Idea: The events that shaped the American Revolution are a turning point in humanity's fight for freedom. Why it Matters Now:
The Sugar Act - 1764 British Action Strictly enforced Halved duty on foreign molasses (Indirect Tax) Placed duties on certain imports (i.e.. lumber) Allowed smugglers to be tried in British courts Colonial Reaction Angered over economics not “Taxation w/o Representation” Written protests Occasional boycotts
Stamp Act 1765 British Action First Direct Tax Taxed legal and commercial documents (licenses, newspapers, almanacs) Special “stamped” paper for legal docs Dice and playing cards Colonial Reaction Violent protests (harass tax collectors) “Sons of Liberty” Colonies pass laws to evade the tax Stamp Act Congress issues Declaration of Rights and Grievances Further boycotts Stamp Act Worksheet
Quartering Act – 1765 and 1774 British Action Standing army after French and Indian War Required colonial assemblies to house and provision British soldiers Soldiers stayed in inns, stables, barns, etc. 1774, Use private homes as necessary Colonial Reaction 1765, Most colonial assemblies refused to pay for provisions 1774, Wrote petition to King George
Declaratory Act - 1766 British Action Accompanied repeal of Stamp Act Statement of Parliament’s right to rule the colonies in any way it saw fit Colonial Reaction Pleased w/ repeal of Stamp Act Continued protest of other British imposed laws Scared that more punitive laws would follow
Townshend Acts - 1767 Colonial Reaction British Action Indirect tax on lead, paper, tea, paint and glass collected at port Revenue paid British officials in colonies Created customs commission Suspended N.Y. assembly for failure to comply Colonial Reaction “No Taxation without Representation” cries from colonists Resumed boycott of British goods Cut British exports to colonies by 38% Townshend Act Worksheet
The Boston Massacre
Boston Massacre March 5, 1770 Afternoon, Fist fight over jobs That night, a mob gathered in front of customs house Armed clash between colonists and guards 5 colonists killed 6 wounded
“No Taxation without Representation” The English Bill of Rights (1689) – “The crown cannot issue taxes without approval of Parliament” The colonists had no representation in Parliament. so they argued that they could not be taxed by Parliament Parliament argued that they have the right to speak for the interests of all British subjects not just the districts that elected them. Taxation without Representation Worksheet
Tea Act - 1773 Created to save the failing British East India Co. Granted BEIC right to import tea free of tax that colonial merchants paid Hoped colonists would buy the cheaper tea Bostonians dressed as natives destroy a shipment of tea (Boston Tea Party) * 18,000 lbs. of tea dumped into Boston Harbor*
George Hewes Worksheet
Intolerable Acts - 1774 British Action George III’s response to Boston Tea Party Gen. Thomas Gage new Governor Mass. Closes Boston Harbor Quartering Act of 1774 Places Boston Under martial law Colonial Reaction First Continental Congress: Representative colonial assembly – 56 representatives met in Philadelphia Declaration of Colonial Rights Agreed to fight if attacked Agreed to reconvene in May 1775 if demands not met What is Martial Law? (rule by the military) What Document have we talked about that limits the use of Martial Law? (Petition of Rights) British/Colonial Action Worksheet