The Strings of rebellion The War for Independence 4.1
BIG IDEAS MAIN IDEA: Conflict between Great Britain and the American colonies grew over issues of taxation, representation, and liberty. WHY IT MATTERS NOW: The events that shaped the American Revolution are a turning point in humanity’s fight for freedom.
The colonies organize to resist Britain In the years post French and Indian War Great Britain needed a way to fund their many war debts. The colonies resources would be Parliaments solution to the debt problem The colonies organize to resist Britain
The Stamp Act Required colonist to buy special stamped paper for every legal document, license, newspaper, pamphlet, and almanac as well as imposed duties on packages of playing cards and dice. Those who disobeyed we tried and most of the time convicted
Resistance to the Stamp Act Samuel Adams became a leader in protesting Groups such as the Sons of Liberty harassed business and colonists who were compliant Merchants in New York Boston, and Philly agree not to use British products until it is repealed.
Townshend Acts Named after Charles Townshend; a government leader Indirect tax on imported materials such as glass, lead, paint, and paper, as they came into the colonies. This included a 3 penny tax on Tea
Response to the Townshend Act The colonists reacted with even more well organized resistance “No taxation without representation” Samuel Adams called for boycotts in Boston Women boycotted British made cloth and material goods British soldiers, called “redcoats,” were placed in the colonies to tame the resistance and monitor smuggling.
Intolerable Acts King George III was frustrated with the colonial resistance and pushed congress to pass what is known as the intolerable acts Shut down Boston Harbor because colonist would pay for damage done in protests Quartering Act allows soldiers to stay in homes of the colonists Boston placed on martial law