What are you fishing for? Dungeness Crab Found in sandy or muddy areas Larger with more meat Easy to remove the meat Red Rock Crab Found in rocky areas Smaller, but has large claws Very difficult to remove the meat
Which ones can I keep? Male Crab The abdomen is long and slender Female Crab The abdomen is shaped like a beehive
What are the rules? BC Tidal Fishing license REQUIRED Two traps per person Four crabs per person, per day; Red Rock or Dungeness crabs Red Rock crabs must be 115mm wide Dungeness crabs must be 165mm wide Only live crabs can be transported
Measuring the catch Use a set of calipers to measure the carapace of the crab
What do I use to catch crabs? You will need: A trap with rope and a float if needed Bait A bucket to keep the crabs alive Measuring device A spot (more later)
The Gear Crab Trap Rope, Floats, and Calipers
The Bait Anything stinky, fishy, or both Fish heads and skeletons Chicken necks and backs Fish oils Wet cat food
The Spots Lions Gate Bridge Jericho Beach Spanish Banks Wreck Beach
When to go Large crabs come into the shallows in late Summer and early Fall to spawn Crabs can be fished all year round (Check Regulations) The best fishing is at low slack tide up to high tide. The crabs will move with the tides
Do you want crabs?! What sex of crab can you keep? What kind of license do you need? How many crabs can you keep? When is the best time of year to go?
Presented by Ryan Goodman Produced by Rotten Bait ‘n Such co. Special Thanks To: The nice man at Wreck Beach The Weather The Crabs An Awful Sea gull Translink Made in Partnership with Steve-O & Mother F*%#ing Crab Catastrophe Films Thanks For Watching The End