A quick overview of what to revise for your class test. Class Test Review A quick overview of what to revise for your class test.
The Assessment You have 35 minutes to take the class test. The class test has 4o questions within it. You can sit the class at any point between 5pm on the 10th of November and 5pm on the 11th of November. Once you begin the class test you must complete it, there are no exceptions to this rule. Whether you finish it or need to close it, regardless of completion it will record your answers as your final submission. The test will only be visible during this period. Those who have additional requirements are also required to sit the class test during this period but will have additional time in which to do so. You will log into a different class test so please contact me to arrange.
Topics Covered so Far Introduction to Module In this lecture we covered the models of justice that underpin the justice system. The role of the main criminal justice agencies in Scotland and why we have criminal justice in Scotland. Crime: What is it and how much is there? In this lecture we discussed how crime is defined, try to distinguish between civil and criminal cases and analyse the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of measuring crime. Policing in Scotland In this lecture we discussed how the police are organised in Scotland, what their main responsibilities are and what powers they have in relation to interrogation, arrest, detention, search and taking of samples. Criminal Prosecution in Scotland This lecture will introduce the role of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Office in the criminal justice process. We will discuss what Procurators Fiscal do and how their role has changed following Summary Justice Reform. Scotland’s Criminal Courts I In this lecture we looked at the criminal courts, the types of courts available in Scotland. The difference between summary and solemn proceedings and the court structures. Scotland’s Criminal Courts II In this lecture we looked at what happens when a case goes to court. The role and composition of the jury and the sentencing options that are available.
What should I be looking at? You should familiarise yourself with each of the lectures that has been given and make sure that you understand each of the areas that has been discussed in the lecture. IN your module handbook there are a list of questions that you should have been able to answer from attending the lecture. Please familiarise yourself with these. All the answers to the class test have been covered in your lectures. The next slide will provide you with a list of topics to familiarise yourself with also.
What topics should I be looking at? Models of Justice Crime Measurement The criminal justice agencies and their roles The rights of people in relation to the police and the courts, legal obligations etc. Court Processes & peoples roles within the court structure. Sentencing Options within Scotland
Good Luck If you require an extension or feel you require mitigating circumstances please contact me on: Johanne.miller@uws.ac.uk