Macmillan Rehabilitation & Support Team Community Rehabilitation Services Helen Shallcross - Macmillan Occupational Therapy Case Manager Bristol Community Health
The Patient Experience of Cancer The National Cancer Survivorship Initiative 2012 (NCSI) identified that: ‘…significant numbers of people are left to deal with the consequences not just of having cancer, but also of the effects of the treatments they have received, many ignorant of late or long term consequences of treatment. In addition, increasing numbers of people with active cancer are living long term and are dealing with their condition and treatments on an ongoing basis. All these changes are leading to an increasing need for cancer survivors to be supported to take an active and leading role in their recovery, rehabilitation, or ongoing care. This support will take many forms…’ 1 - Joint collaboration 2 – 3 – to appropriate services
The Recovery Package – Changing the Patient Experience The National Cancer Survivorship Initiative 2012 (NCSI) The Recovery Package has been developed and tested by the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative (NCSI) (NHS Improvement 2012) to assist people living with a diagnosis of cancer to prepare for the future, identify their individual needs and support rehabilitation to enable people to return to work and or a near normal lifestyle.
The Recovery Package Supporting people to understand & self-manage the effects of cancer as a long-term condition.
What do we do? Our approach: Holistic Needs Assessment – all areas of life discussed. Patient-centred goals – identifying what the you want to achieve & helping to enable this. Setting goals within time scales & re-evaluating with client to demonstrate positive changes. Social prescribing to ensure ongoing feeling of support & being part of a wider community. Enabling a person to live with cancer to their best possible ability
Bristol Collaborative One to One Support Pilot Our 1:1 support Unmet medical issues – link in with CNS/GP/holistic therapies. Psychological/emotional impact – link in with talking therapy teams/groups. Social engagement – Signposting to support teams, 1:1 volunteer groups, activities. Pain control – Specialist help from St Peter’s Hospice, or teaching relaxation/breathing techniques to manage anxiety symptoms. Social Services – Referrals for finances, care input or specialist adaptive equipment. Physical restrictions – provision of equipment, advice & falls prevention work. Bristol Collaborative One to One Support Pilot ‘HOPE courses are designed to help people become more knowledgeable, skilled and confident in managing the physical, emotional and psychological consequences of living with and being affected by a long-term condition (LTCs). HOPE courses are aimed at a wide range of people reflecting diversity in different LTCs, ages, and ethnicity.’
The BCH Macmillan Rehabilitation & Support Team HOPE Programme A positive approach to self-management means that the HOPE programme is relevant and useful to everyone and not just people living with and affected by a LTC. HOPE courses run over two days & are co delivered by trained health professionals and peer facilitators. Course participants can go onto to train to become peer facilitators.
Course Content • Goal setting and action planning • Stress management • Mindfulness and relaxation • Fatigue management • Identifying character strengths • Gratitude diaries • Healthy lifestyles • Prioritising important things in life
After attending HOPE courses participants feel: • More confident and motivated • Less depressed and anxious • More relaxed • More positive about the future • More happy • Less tired
Other Cancer Services Bristol Collaborative One to One Support Pilot ‘Step-Up’Fatigue & Lifestyle Management Programme. RNHRD NHS Foundation Trust (F) 01225 473411 (T) 01225 473456 Macmillan Lymphoedema Service (T) 0117 9632335 Southville Clinic Southmead (NBT) Clinical Health Psychology (e) (T) 0117 3403889 (F) 0117 3403891 UBHT NHS Foundation Trust Psychological Health Services (T) 0117 41 44888 The Harbour – Talking Therapies (e) (T)0117 9259348 Breast Radiotherapy Injury Rehabilitation Service Bath RNHRD (e) (t) 01225 473462 Bristol Collaborative One to One Support Pilot
Other Cancer Services Bristol Collaborative One to One Support Pilot (e) Energise Exercise Based Cancer Rehab (T) 07825 0330741 Penny Brohn Cancer Care (T) 01275 370111 NGS Macmillan Wellbeing Centre – Southmead Hospital (T) 0117 4147051 (e) Cancer Information & Support Centre – BHOC 0117 3423369 (e) Marie Curie Helper Service (t) 0845 3032777 (e) Neuro Occupational Therapy Team (t) 0117 9190290 (f) 0117 9190296 Bristol Collaborative One to One Support Pilot
Any Questions? Helen Shallcross& Louise Cinderby Macmillan Rehabilitation & Support Team Shirehampton Health Centre Pembroke Road Shirehampton Bristol BS11 9SB (T) 07920 833641 (e)