8 Steps Planning Guide Tier 1 Implementation This is only an overview of the 8 steps. More detailed examples will be given in future presentations. Faster-paced presentation - exposure. Chapter 2 in the Training Manual
STEP 1 - Establish Team Membership 46 STEP 2 – Develop Behavior Purpose Statement STEP 3 – Identify Positive SW Expectations STEP 4 – Develop Procedures for Teaching SW Positive Expectations STEP 5 – Develop Lesson Plans for Teaching Positive CW Expectations STEP 6 – Develop Continuum of Procedures for Encouraging SW Expectations Teams will go through this checklist today (part of a short presentation) - All are important, but focusing on: 3 - Admin support (critical to sustaining) 4, 5 - creating that schedule for the year - keeping things visible 6 - this is the working smarter presentation later 7 - making sure PBIS is a top school goal 9 - Working with regions and coaches to schedule and complete these - BOQ comes after training is complete. STEP 7 – Develop Continuum of Procedures for Discouraging Behavior Rule Violations-Corrective Response STEP 8 – Develop Procedures for Data-Based Decision-Making & Monitoring
STEP 1 - Establish Team Membership 46 STEP 2 – Develop Behavior Purpose Statement STEP 3 – Identify Positive SW Expectations STEP 4 – Develop Procedures for Teaching SW Positive Expectations STEP 5 – Develop Lesson Plans for Teaching Positive CW Expectations STEP 6 – Develop Continuum of Procedures for Encouraging SW Expectations Teams will go through this checklist today (part of a short presentation) - All are important, but focusing on: 3 - Admin support (critical to sustaining) 4, 5 - creating that schedule for the year - keeping things visible 6 - this is the working smarter presentation later 7 - making sure PBIS is a top school goal 9 - Working with regions and coaches to schedule and complete these - BOQ comes after training is complete. STEP 7 – Develop Continuum of Procedures for Discouraging Behavior Rule Violations-Corrective Response STEP 8 – Develop Procedures for Data-Based Decision-Making & Monitoring
STEP 1 - Establish Team Membership Working Agreements Data-based Action Plan SAY: In general, the implementation of a school-wide PBS approach at the school level is built around five main implementation steps. Evaluation Implementation
STEP 2 – Develop Behavior Purpose Statement 52 Why are we doing this? How does it connect to the district mission? Ex. 1 Lincoln School is a community of learners and teachers. We are here to learn, grow, and become good citizens. Teams will work on this today.
STEP 3 – Identify Positive SW Expectations 54 What broad pro-social expectations are important for our school? What expectations would make your school be a safer more positive place to learn? Teams will begin this process today. Teams that come in with this done, have them go through each item to see if they meet this standard. STEP 3 – Identify Positive SW Expectations
STEP 4 – Develop Procedures for Teaching SW Positive Expectations Teaching Matrix SETTING All Settings Hallways Playgrounds Cafeteria Library/ Computer Lab Assembly Bus Respectful Be on task. Give your best effort. Be prepared. Walk. Have a plan. Eat all your food. Select healthy foods. Study, read, compute. Sit in one spot. Watch for your stop. Responsible Be kind. Hands/feet to self. Help/share with others. Use normal voice volume. Walk to right. Play safe. Include others. Share equipment. Practice good table manners Return books. Listen/watch. Use appropriate applause. Use a quiet voice. Stay in your seat. Ready Recycle. Clean up after self. Pick up litter. Maintain physical space. Use equipment properly. Put litter in garbage can. Replace trays & utensils. Clean up eating area. Push in chairs. Treat books carefully. Pick up. Sit appropriately. 58 1. SOCIAL SKILL 2. NATURAL CONTEXT Expectations 3. BEHAVIOR EXAMPLES STEP 4 – Develop Procedures for Teaching SW Positive Expectations
STEP 5 – Develop Lesson Plans for Teaching Positive CW Expectations Typical Contexts/ Routines Classroom-Wide Rules/Expectations Respectful Responsible Ready All Use inside voice. Raise hand to answer/talk. Recycle paper. Put writing tools inside desk. Do your best. Ask. Morning Meeting Eyes on speaker. Give brief answers. Put announcements in desk. Keep feet on floor. Put check by my announcements. Homework Do own work. Turn in before lesson. Put homework neatly in box. Touch your work only. Turn in lesson on time. Do homework night/day before. Transition Keep hands to self. Put/get materials first. Have plan. Go directly. “I Need Assistance” Raise hand or show “Assistance Card”. Wait 2 minutes & try again. Ask if unclear. Have materials ready. Have planner. Teacher Directed Use materials as intended. Independent Work Return with done. Use time as planned. Problem to Solve Stop, Step Back, Think, Act 1. SOCIAL SKILL 2. NATURAL CONTEXT 3.BEHAVIOR EXAMPLES
67 Day 4 STEP 6 – Develop Continuum of Procedures for Encouraging SW Expectations
7 – Develop Continuum of Procedures for Discouraging Behavior Rule Violations Day 4
Right Data at the Right Time! 77 Right Data at the Right Time! This is done throughout - Data systems introduced on Day 2 STEP 8 – Develop Procedures for Data-Based Decision-Making & Monitoring