Joint Culinary Center of Excellence


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Presentation transcript:

Joint Culinary Center of Excellence Research Development and Associates Spring 2017 Quality Assurance Update Ms. Beverly Hamlette Quality Assurance- Field Feeding

Agenda Joint Services Operational Ration Forum (JSORF) Rations Update Army Nutrition Update Environmental Science Update JCCoE Information Upcoming Events Contact Information

JSORF UPDATE Joint Services Operational Rations Forum – Integrated Process Team (JSORF-IPT) 08 February 2017 Chartered mission-essential function assigned to the Secretary of the Army per DODM 1338.10. This forum is inclusive to all Department of Defense Agencies Government only Involves the development, fielding, distribution and utilization of Operational Rations Results of this forum will provide the basis of support from Natick and Defense Logistics Agency to manage the military rations posture from development to acquisition. As directed by policy, the Army JCCOE, is the lead executive agent and serves as host for this meeting. The meeting has been approved thru TRADOC to held annually without seeking request approval. This was great news for us because now our meeting can continue to be held the first week of February each year without objections This session involves the collective efforts of the Joint Services Foodservice Leaders with Science and Technology support from US Army Natick Soldier Research Development and Engineering Center and the Defence Logistics Agency to manage the military operational rations posture from development to Acquisition..

Ration Update INDIVIDUAL RATIONS Meal Ready to Eat (MRE) Army usage approximately 1.9 million cases annually Determined there is a continuous need for a pork-free case Meal Cold Weather/Long Range Patrol (MCW-/LRP) Services provided a continuous commitment LRP has been phased out and inventory depleted First Strike Ration can be used in lieu of LRP First Strike Ration (FSR) Ration usage continues to increase Services provided a commitment for 50,000 cases (9 new menus) Concerns on variety of meals

Ration Update INDIVIDUAL RATIONS Modular Operational Ration Enhancement (MORE) Demand continues to increase Authorized continuous buy to ensure stock is always available for both types Meal Religious Halal & Kosher Used to serve individuals in the military who maintain a strict religious diet FY 16/17 usage has significantly increased Concerned about limited shelf-life within the meal in which we have incurred a tremendous loss; Army seeking commercial source to obtain longer shelf life

UNITIZED GROUP RATIONS Ration Update UNITIZED GROUP RATIONS Unitized Group Ration – Heat & Serve (UGR-H&S) Army continues to enforce the Army Field Feeding Policy on UGR-H&S usage / increase demand Annual usage around 100,000 modules Need for more variety of breakfast entrée items Unitized Group Ration – A Option & Short Order (UGR-A) & (UGR-SO) Army’s most used group ration in a field environment Annual usage approximately 400,000 modules Focus for FY18 menus are vegetarian and seafood main entrée items Reduce number of split menus The objective is to define usage of the UGR-A™ and UGR-Short Order™ in expeditionary operations in a load relationship with the Multi-Temperature Refrigerated Container system (MTRCs). There is a need to be able to compute the amount of containers and equipment necessary to support movement of group rations. A totally right sized UGR will provide a logistically optimized module, substantially improving Class I planning factors and its associated equipment. There is a growing need to re-evaluate and determine the appropriate and most cost effective size and/or number of current UGR-A™ UGR-Short Order™ and UGR-H&S™ secondary components, e.g., spreads, condiments, seasonings, individual beverages and disposable items (cups, compartment dining trays, napkins, wet-naps, utensils, disposable gloves, trash bags) and or snack/ candy items that are provided in these critically important modularized group operational rations. While still maintaining nutritional adequacy, menu variety and acceptability. A potential cost savings may be realized through a reduction in overall module cost combined with reduced logistics costs associated with transport and/or handling/ disposal of the surplus or excess components

New UGR Right-Sizing Initiative Ration Update New UGR Right-Sizing Initiative To optimize the size and fit of UGR boxes for planning and shipping to forward positions To optimize the size and/or number of secondary components provided in the group operational ration platforms required to feed 50 Warfighters a complete meal The objective is to define usage of the UGR-A™ and UGR-Short Order™ in expeditionary operations in a load relationship with the Multi-Temperature Refrigerated Container system (MTRCs). There is a need to be able to compute the amount of containers and equipment necessary to support movement of group rations. A totally right sized UGR will provide a logistically optimized module, substantially improving Class I planning factors and its associated equipment. There is a growing need to re-evaluate and determine the appropriate and most cost effective size and/or number of current UGR-A™ UGR-Short Order™ and UGR-H&S™ secondary components, e.g., spreads, condiments, seasonings, individual beverages and disposable items (cups, compartment dining trays, napkins, wet-naps, utensils, disposable gloves, trash bags) and or snack/ candy items that are provided in these critically important modularized group operational rations. While still maintaining nutritional adequacy, menu variety and acceptability. A potential cost savings may be realized through a reduction in overall module cost combined with reduced logistics costs associated with transport and/or handling/ disposal of the surplus or excess components

QUAD Vendor Visit/Recap Form Army Nutrition Update QUAD Vendor Visit/Recap Form To provide: a documented record that JCCoE has reviewed proposed products for the Army Food Program. Intended: to be a product review only and does not endorse any vendor product\ Benefits: – provides a written document that summarizes vendor presentations. Status: form is currently being used, you may receive a copy of this form with each product reviewed IMPACTS: credible record of the specific observations made by the QUAD staff; FPM rely on seeing the form to assess item “fit” to programs and standards

Army Nutrition Update DoD Menu Standards: Minimum practical guidelines for use during menu planning, food procurement, food preparation and meal service to support the nutrition standards. Key standards for Army: Calcium and vitamin D fortified orange juice; Whole grain options Monitoring levels of added sugars and alternate sweetners Transition to Products with less / moderated sodium All food products must contain no partially hydrogenated oils as an ingredient and zero trans-fat ( at normal consumed portion sizes) No monosodium glutamate (MSG) as an ingredient Wholesome naturally Nutrient-dense products preferred Monitoring excessive fortification and chemical additives Greatly reduced permissible pump/solution Reasonable, not excessive, portion sizes Impact will determine if modifications will be needed.

Looking for Vegetarian type items. Army Nutrition Update IMT Menu: The new 2017 IMT menu will be posted on the JCCoE nutrition website June 2017 . Looking for Vegetarian type items. Go for Green®: DoD and Army approved food labeling program designed to assist Service members in quickly identifying the nutritional value of food choices in the dining facility. Updates include new labeling criteria. Color coding criteria for IMT menus are established by percent total fat, calories, and sodium content by commodity. Green (Go: Eat often) Yellow (Caution: Eat occasionally) Red (Limit: Eat rarely) Short Oder: Frankfurters are added to the menu standards. ( 100 percent meat such as turkey, chicken, beef, etc.) will be served based on the menu guidance. (Frankfurters being served should not exceed 5 count/1 lb. when serving size is one. Two is served when 6/1 or 8/1 is used.) Color coding criteria for DOD menus established by percent total fat, saturated fats, sodium, fiber, sugar and degree of procecessing content by commodity. Green (Go: Eat often) Yellow ( Caution: Eat Occasionally) Red ( Limit: Eat rarely) Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences along with Natick and the Services are working together for continuous improvements to the Go-for-green program and ensure adequate and effective training is being fielded among operators and users.

Environmental Science Update Fort Lee Zero Net Waste Program EO 13693 Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2025 FY16: Dining facilities diverted 1280 tons of food waste from landfills Using Dehydrator technology Partnering with the Virginia State University to find ways to reuse the material Currently being tested as a nutritive addition to topsoil and grass 1. In March 2015, President Obama issued Executive Order 13693 to cut the Federal Government’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 40 percent by 2025 from 2008 levels. 2. In support of this Executive Order, Fort Lee purchased Dehydrators for every dining facility on the installation. During Fiscal Year 2016, dining facilities diverted 1280 tons of waste from landfills 3. Fort Lee is partnering with Virginia State University’s Agricultural Department to find ways to reuse the material. 4. Currently VSU is testing the product to be used as a nutritive addition to soil and grass and tracking how the product affects fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc. Dehydrator Composted Material Cardboard Shredder

Environmental Science Update Health & Comfort Pack Kits Provides deployed troops with basic personal hygiene items where AAFES Exchanges are not available or established Conducted an audit 03 May 2017 Reviewed all items in Types I, II, and III Decided on 13 recommended changes to the kit Working to add a Female Urinary Device to the Type II menu Currently in the 4th year of a 5 year contract; customers will not see changes until after the 2018 contract is awarded. Staff from the JCCoE Operations Directorate and representatives from DLA-Troop Support Subsistence audited the Health & Comfort Packs on 03 May 2017. Feedback and comments were requested from troops and leaders on what should be changed, added, or removed. 13 recommended changes were accepted; and research is being conducted to include a Female Urinary Device in the Type II-Female Supplemental Menu. With more combat roles opening up to women, the urinary device will improve a woman’s ability to urinate while wearing the combat uniform and equipment in austere environments. The kits are currently in the 4th year of a 5 year contract. Customers will not see changes until the 2018 contract is awarded.

RESERVE COMPONENT 2010 WORLDWIDE BRIEF JCCoE Information RESERVE COMPONENT 2010 WORLDWIDE BRIEF Guides, Actions, and Regulations to Reference: Army Buyers Guide; updating underway for Joint Buyers Guide AR 30-22: The Army Food Program DA PAM 30-22: Operating Procedures for the Army Food Program Doing Business with the Army Department of Defense Menu Standards IMT Implementation Guide and Menus AR 40-25 Nutrition and Menu Standards regulation Joint Recipe Service Committee JCCoE Website: Other Links: AKO SustainNet Facebook JCCoE

Upcoming Events DA Philip A. Connelly Awards – 19 May 2017 Army 242nd Birthday – 14 June 2017 JCCoE Partnership Day – 20 September 2017 Joint Services Operational Rations Forum – 7 February 2018 ……Priscilla has posted an excellent Army’s Birthday Menu for all Dining Facilities to use. This can be seen on our JCCoE website.

CONTACT INFORMATION Mr. Alphonzo “Rick” Byrd, Chief, Quality Assurance Division,, (804) 734-3366 or DSN 687-3366 Ms. Beverly Hamlette, Army Field Feeding Specialist,, (804) 734-4584 Ms. Erica Smith, Registered Dietitian,, (804) 734-3005 Ms. Priscilla Dolloff-Crane, Food Economist,, (804) 734-3071 CPT April Glenn, Environmental Science Officer, (804) 734-4287 Veterinarian Food Safety Officer, (position to be filled July 2017), (804) 734-4286 Ms. Erica Smith, our Registered Dietitian and see overseas Soldier Fueling Initiative Program, Go for Green Program, 15 15

THANK YOU! 14-18 May in conjunction with the NRA in Chicago Army Birthday falls on a Sunday therefore most installations will celebrate on that Friday……Priscilla has posted an excellent Army’s Birthday Menu for all Dining Facilities to use. This can be seen on our JCCoE website.