Community RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (DCE3411) Associate Prof. Dr. Roziah Mohd Rasdi Dept. of Professional Development & Continuing Education Faculty of Educational Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia
What is CSR? Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Types of Social Responsibility Responsibility Towards SOCIETY Responsibility Towards GOVERNMENT Responsibility Towards EMPLOYEE Responsibility Towards SHAREHOLDERS Responsibility Towards CONSUMERS
Responsibility towards Society Carrying on business with moral & ethical standards. Prevention of environmental pollution. Minimizing ecological imbalance Contributing towards the development of social health and education. Making use of appropriate technology.
Minimizing Waste McDonald’s restaurants are recycling waste materials, including used cooking oil and corrugate, or cardboard, for a wide range of secondary uses.
Water Conservation KFC have implemented projects that saved over 800 million gallons of water across the globe KFC have high efficiency irrigation systems, low flow hand sinks and optimized restroom fixtures are now standard components in our stores.
Canon Opto Scholarship Started in 1996, this educational initiative has since benefitted more than 200 young Malaysians in achieving their Bachelor Degree from both local and foreign universities.
“Cradle to cradle” design Sustainability “Cradle to cradle” design Source reduction Innovation Viability
Examples of green technology subject areas: Energy Green Building Environmental Green Chemistry Green nanotechnology
Responsibility towards Government Obey rules & regulation. Regular payment of taxes. Cooperating with the government to promote social values. Not to take advantage of loopholes in business laws. Cooperating with the government for economic growth and development.
Championing education for the less fortunate Strong supporter of Yayasan Promoting Intelligence, Nurturing Talents, Advocating Responsibility (PINTAR) programme. PINTAR helps underprivileged children in primary schools improve their academic performance by reaching out through school reward incentives, motivation and teambuilding activities.
School Adoption Programme Provision of tuition classes in the three subjects - English, Mathematics and Science conducted by dedicated teachers and assisted by PETRONAS staff volunteer facilitators. Incorporates a fun-filled learning approach, providing students the opportunity to discover their potential through activities such as role playing, quizzes and mind mapping.
Responsibility towards Shareholder To ensure a reasonable rate of return over time. To work for the survival & the growth of the concern. To build reputation & goodwill of the company. Not to take advantage of loopholes in business laws. To remain transparent & accountable.
Basic policy for shareholder returns Casio considers the maintenance and expansion of returns for all of its shareholders an important management issue, and constantly strives to improve its business performance and financial structure. The company's dividend policy calls for maintaining stable dividends, and Casio determines the allocation of profit by taking into account all factors such as profit levels, financial position, the dividend payout ratio, and future business development and forecasts.
Promoting Proactive Investor Relations The Corporate Administration Division and Corporate Finance Division are responsible for keeping lines of communication open with shareholders and investors. Incorporate the opinions of shareholders and investors, and the results of dialogue with them into our management plans and practices.
Responsibility towards Employee To provide a healthy working environment. To grant regular & fair wages. To provide welfare services. To provide training & promotion facilities. To provide reasonable working standard & norms. To provide efficient mechanism to redress worker’s grievances. Proper recognition of efficiency & hard work.
Work-life Integration To ensure greater personal satisfaction and effectiveness, we designed a suite of flexible work arrangements and benefits to suit different individual needs. -Flexi Wellness -Flexi Work Arrangement (FWA) -Flexi Retirement Plans
Assistance to Purchase Residential Property Academic Excellence Awards Staff Welfare Employee Protection Assistance to Purchase Residential Property Academic Excellence Awards
Responsibility towards Customer Supplying socially harmless products. Supplying the quality, standards, as promised. Adopt fair pricing. Provide after sales services. Resisting black-marketing & profiteering. Maintaining consumer’s grievances cell. Fair competition.
Online Education and Training for Employees and Partners Online learning system (the Acer E-Academy) - provide professional knowledge training for new products, resolution of common product queries and customer coping skills and standard processes to first-line customer service employees and operating unit employees, including an online evaluation after the course has finished activities.
Committed to Improving the Nutrition Quality of Our Ingredients Follows the latest nutrition research and recommendations to satisfy the evolving dietary priorities of customers and improve the nutrition quality of their ingredients around the world. Completed removal of artificial Trans fat (partially-hydrogenated oil) from menu items worldwide. Adding important nutrients like calcium and vitamin D into the bread in the US as of April 2011. Reduced sodium of core products.