The Global Atlas for Renewable Energy The world’s renewable energy prospector Dr. N. Fichaux, IRENA
OVERVIEW MANDATE OBJECTIVE SCOPE To promote the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy worldwide OBJECTIVE To serve as a network hub, an advisory resource and an authoritative, unified, global voice for renewable energy SCOPE All renewable energy sources produced in a sustainable manner
Global Atlas Strategy The world needs USD 900 billion investments per year in renewable energy to avoid catastrophic climate consequences and meet its development goals; Finance flows must be accelerated and more bankable projects brought to the market; IRENA will propose a new approach to deliver fast and reliable support to projects, anywhere, without costly resource measurement campaigns.
Webservice-energy catalog at the core What you see What is happening Who’s making it happen
Some datasets of the Global Atlas The Atlas features a large variety of datasets at different scales. IRENA packages the information as ready-to-use maps for the Global Atlas users. Users can then open a map and load more information form the Catalog.
High-quality resource data from World Bank’s ESMAP Program Malawi solar Tanzania solar and wind Maldives solar and wind Vietnam solar and wind Pakistan solar Zambia solar and wind
Data layers, visualization and analytical tools, in one platform Interactive legend Map view Time series Suitability areas Energy calculations
Online prospection of RE opportunities
Global Atlas 2.1 – open framework concept Future: lower technical barriers to raw data -> plugins to major energy models
Global Atlas 3.0 – Youtube concept Future: strengthen online analysis section -> map gallery + tool gallery – energy modelling, financial modelling
Dealing with complexity to help decision making
Derivative output: potentials in numbers
Derivative output: technical potentials
Hands on training classes
Direct requests to webservice-energy GlobalAtlas pocket Mobile App Available on: Windows iphone Android Blackberry
For more information, email or connect with us: IRENA Global Atlas @GlobalREAtlas IRENA GlobalAtlas GlobalAtlasTV