EXPLORATION Standard 8-1.2 Compare the motives, activities, and accomplishments of the exploration of South Carolina and North America by the Spanish, French, and English.
REMEMBERING Who were some explorers you learned about in elementary school and 6th and 7th grade????
What do you Remember about their MOTIVES for exploration in the late 1400s through the 1600s?
Spanish Motives Wanted to bring glory to their king. Were looking for gold. Were conquistadors, hoping to conquer and spread the Catholic religion.
Where? They conquered large areas of Central and South America. They extended their search for gold into North America (claiming present day Florida and South Carolina ) and southwestern part of the continent.
Activities Did not find gold--set up large plantations, called encomiendas, and used Native Americans as slaves to produce more wealth for Spanish settlers. Disease and overwork killed a large portion of the Native American population. The Spanish then brought in African slaves to do the work.
Accomplishments Spanish built cities and universities. Brought their Catholic religion to the New World. Established missions along the west coast of America.
FRENCH MOTIVES The French were in search of a Northwest Passage to Asia.
Where? They sailed down the St. Lawrence River and claimed this region for France. They traveled along the Mississippi River, claiming this region for France and calling it Louisiana after their King.
ACTIVITIES French fur traders came to America and began trading furs with the Native Americans. They traveled along many rivers while trading for furs. They claimed a large portion of North America for their King.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS French established settlements in present-day Canada: Montreal and Quebec. Brought their culture with them, including their religion: Catholic. Established good relations with the Native Americans.
ENGLISH MOTIVES The English were jealous of the accomplishments of the Spanish and French and wanted to compete with them for glory. They also hoped to discover gold.
WHERE? They claimed the east coast of North America for their king.
ACTIVITIES While they did not find gold, they discovered that they could grow tobacco well in this area. They established settlements for groups of people who wanted religious freedom.
ACCOMPLISMENTS Established areas of Virginia and New England. Brought their culture, including their language, Protestant religions, and ideas about self-government.
SPANISH IN SOUTH CAROLINA Hernando de Soto traveled through SC looking for gold but did not stay. In 1520, they (Lucas Vásquez de Ayllón) built a settlement called San Miguel de Gualdape along the Waccamaw River near present-day Georgetown. settlement was abandoned due to lack of support from Spain.
SPANISH IN SOUTH CAROLINA They tried again to establish a settlement in the 1580s called San Felipe, near present-day Beaufort. attacked by Native Americans and the settlers fled to St. Augustine, Florida.
FRENCH IN SOUTH CAROLINA The French tried to build a settlement near present-day Beaufort in the 1560s. Charles-fort lacked support from France and suffered from poor leadership. settlers abandoned the settlement and tried to sail back to France.
ENGLISH IN SOUTH CAROLINA The English were the first Europeans to establish a permanent settlement in South Carolina. In 1670, they established Charles Town (now we call it Charleston.)