Recommendation Find that the following proposed action is exempt from review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061 (b) (3); Direct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance amending Chapter 10 of the Pasadena Municipal Code to provide for the following:
Recommendation Language to clarify the utilization of modernized parking meter technology, including pay-and-display, pay-by-plate and mobile payment technologies; Language to clarify the “once per day per block” regulation and define a “block” as it relates to parking violations; Language to clarify preferential parking district guest pass eligibility; Language to allow for 24-hour commercial loading zones; Language to indicate that signage for time limits has precedence over curb markings; Language to allow for the staggering of permit expiration dates in an effort to decrease wait times for permit applicants; Language to allow for the sale of temporary daytime permits. Language to allow vehicles with expired registration tags in excess of 6 months to be impounded, per California Vehicle Code § 22651(0);
Recommendation Grant authority to the Director of Transportation to designate certain streets or portions of streets for the exclusive or nonexclusive parking privilege of motor vehicles participating in a car share vehicle program or ridesharing program in accordance with California Vehicle Code § 22507.1; and Administrative updates to correct misspellings, modify references to various department heads to “Director” and change director titles to align with current practices
Background Municipal regulation of on-street parking is enabled by California Vehicle Code (CVC). The CVC is updated periodically by the Legislature Article 10 of the Pasadena Municipal Code (PMC) regulates on-street parking Requires updating to be consistent with the CVC Consistency required for fees charged for parking citations to not be struck down on appeal
Background PMC needs to appropriately reflect Administrative changes in City practice Formation of new administrative divisions PMC has to be updated periodically to remove outdated references and practices Recent changes in parking technology Definitions need to accurately reference meter and sensor technology Updated requirements of state law
Council Policy Consideration The proposed amendments to Pasadena Municipal Code Section 10 are consistent with the City Council adopted Core Value of accountability
Fiscal Impact There is no fiscal impact as a result of this action and it will not have any indirect or support costs Activities required to implement the PMC changes are already incorporated in the operating budgets of the affected departments. Minimal impact anticipated from changes that could affect the adjudication of a nominal number of parking citations
Additional Material Additional Material
Updates to Titles/Departments Section Reason for Changes 10.08.026 Changed references to various department heads to "Director" and relied on existing language in the "Definition" section of each chapter. Corrected misspellings and grammatical errors. Changed titles to align with current practices. 10.40.050 10.40.060 10.40.070 10.40.090 10.40.100 10.40.110 10.40.120 10.40.130 10.40.150 10.40.160 10.40.165 10.40.170 10.40.180 10.40.210 10.42.060 10.42.180 10.44.060 10.44.080
Updates to Parking Meters Section Reason for Changes 10.08.075 Added language that allows for the use of multi-space meters, the "pay-and-display" system currently in use and to allow for the "Pay-by-Plate" model to be used in the near future. 10.45.030 Added language regarding displaying of permit at "pay-and-display" meters. Also added language allowing for electronic payments at parking meters via mobile applications. 10.45.035 Added language that allows for the use of multi-space meters, the "pay-and-display" system we currently use, and to allow for the "Pay-by-Plate" model we intend to use. 10.45.045 Added language to include payment methods in addition to coins. 10.45.050 10.45.060 Updated to reflect fraudulent transactions from credit cards and other means. 10.45.070 Correction to text 10.45.080
Updates for Current Practice Section Reason for Changes 10.08.070 Added language to define "block" as it relates to parking violations. 10.40.120 Modified language to allow for 24 hour commercial loading zones. Added language intended to indicate that signage for time limits will always take precedence over curb markings. 10.40.170 Added language clarifying the "once per day per block" regulations. 10.40.252 Changed language to align with California Vehicle Code Section 22651(O) which allows vehicles with expired registration tags in excess of 6 months to be towed, and required occupied vehicles to be towed by a peace officer. Unoccupied vehicles can be towed by parking enforcement staff. 10.41.090 Changed language for basis of how guest passes are issues 10.41.120 Changed language to align with current practice of display location of permits. 10.42.040 Added language to clarify administrative process for daytime parking permit application process. 10.42.080 Changed Board of Directors to City Council
Updates for Current Practice Section Reason for Changes 10.42.090 Changed language to allow for staggering of permits so renewal dates do not all come at the beginning of the calendar year thereby reducing wait times for applicants. 10.42.120 Changed Director of Finance to Director of Transportation 10.42.140 Changed Director of Finance to Director of Transportation; Changed Board of Directors to City Council 10.42.150 Added language allowing for temporary daytime parking permits. 10.42.170 Changed Chief of Police to City Manager; updated section references 10.44.010 Changed language from "truck" to "commercial vehicle" and referenced applicable CVC 10.44.020 Added language to clarify that vehicles must be registered to the address for where the permit is being requested. 10.44.030
Updates for Current Practice Section Reason for Changes 10.44.040 Changed language to allow for staggering of permits so renewal dates do not all come at the beginning of the calendar year thereby reducing wait times for applicants. 10.44.050 Updated section references 10.44.060 Clarified requirement in Section E 10.44.070 Changed Board of Directors to City Council 10.44.100 Changed Chief of Police to Parking Manager 10.44.120 Changed Director of Finance to Director of Transportation; Changed Board of Directors to City Council 10.44.130 Expanded issuing authority to Director and Parking Manager 10.45.027 Added clarifying language regarding where no-fee placards are valid. 10.65 Corrections to references