Saturday July 22, 2017 7 am to 2 pm ON THIS DAY ONLY Radios Limit up to 5 units Per vehicle Scale charges for extra quantities SCMUA E-Waste Collection Event Desktops Monitors Cassettes, CD’s, VCR Tapes Copiers Cell Phones Stereo Equipment Fax Machines CD Players VCR’s Television Sets Computer Speakers Printers Radios DVD Players Laptops DAY ONLY ON THIS Saturday July 22, 2017 7 am to 2 pm UP TO FIVE UNITS PER VEHICLE AT NO CHARGE No Appliances Please! For more information: 973-579-6998 ***Residents/Businesses are responsible for prior removal of data from hard drives & other storage media*** Commercial, or other Quantity Generators can contact the Vendor directly SCMUA Vendor for this event is: Electronic Recyclers International, Inc.® 1-800-ERI-DIRECT (374-3473)