Water Works
McLaren Oakland is….. History
Pontiac’s Oldest Hotel 1928
Now, It is Pontiac’s Oldest Hotel with 3 other buildings
It was a cold, cold night in January
At one o clock it was noted that water pressure was lost in the 62 building Building and Grounds contacted, as the team stepped out of the elevator, electrical power lost. At 111, the 75 Building which houses ED, Observation, Cardiology, Cath Lab lost power without generate back up The 62 building lost power, generator started immediately then failed 10 minutes later That removed lights, computers, and phones immediately 130 ED closed, via private cell calls, disaster plan activated
It was noted by Building and Grounds that downtown Pontiac had a new fountain on Mill street
The relaxing sound of running water
Further investigation looking for the cause of the power outage, revealed a water issue
A big water issue
Last one in is a rotten egg
What is in that room ?
Danger , Will Robinson, Danger
Note the exit sign
Note the side view of the exit sign….
Sometimes it is better to be lucky as oppose to good Fortunately this is our sub basement because….. Sometimes it is better to be lucky as oppose to good
That is the ED
But we had more space to fill
And you thought your desk was messy!!!!
Elevators 10x10x20 feet
At 130, it was realized that the generator over heated due to the lower water pressure. The generator that over heated supplied Medical imaging and Laboratory. It also supplied our Geri psych unit and Substance rehabilitation center, these units had 14 and 5 patients respectively. At 150, Incident Command ordered East tower evacuated due to loss of power. ED had only 4 patients West Tower was noted to be full power and water All open beds identified and east tower patients transferred over Move, Move, Move
Star EMS contacted and patient transfer initiated Star paramedic became IC in our Geri psych unit Pam Willis, ED Director, directed patient movement to West tower Geri psych patients are non-ambulatory, 14 patients were transferred down 2 flights of stairs, across East tower lobby, then up three flights of stairs to transfer across our cross walk to West Tower. In stair chairs! Also, 6 ambulatory observation patients were transferred to the west tower. And 3 Room 9 patients were transferred to Oakland County Medical examiner.
Once ED closed, Star EMS station themselves outside the ED entrance to re-direct and possibly transfer any emergent patient presenting to the front door O
Oakland County Water Resource Commission on scene evaluating the water main break
The 75 generator never responded. Regular scheduled checks. Check performed 1 week prior with no difficulty. Unclear cause PM Technologies on site managed to get generator going at 430 am.
DTE arrived, bypassed our now under water, transformers and power returned in the 62 building at 630 am
Water to hospital turned off via value at 830 am
Righties nightie
Clean up started immediately
Yummy Mud Pies
Coal, the clean energy
Shiny and New
2 million in damages ED Status C for 4 days, closed completely for 5 hours Star EMS transferred all admitted patients to our West Tower for 4 days Still doing paper work and finalizing the forensics audit
Issues Fire doors did not open in the East tower lobby No phone service No elevators Both generators failed Traffic issues due to road damage from water Issues
Lessons Learned Have a back up list for all your back up services Have land line Create back up plan for elevators Replaced the water cooled generator Involve financial services early Lessons Learned