Who is Andrew Jackson? By: Alivia Mann
Reference Page http://www.biography.com/people/andrew-jackson-9350991 http://www.tn4me.org/article.cfm/a_id/190/minor_id/66/major_id/22/era_id/4 http://www.biography.com/people/andrew-jackson-9350991#early-life http://millercenter.org/president/jackson http://www.mcgady.net/ms/dpotus/p07/7aj.html http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/monroe-jackson-clay-election-1824/1734456.html http://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/1257a.html http://www.270towin.com/1828_Election/ http://www.loc.gov/rr/main/democratic_conventions.pdf http://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/1263a.html http://www.cchs165.jacksn.k12.il.us/Social_Studies/Classes/psychology/WEB%20PAGE/President%20Jackson/President%20Jackson.html#The%20Kitchen%20Cabinet http://www.history.com/topics/us-presidents/andrew-jackson/videos/scandal-disrupts-jackson-cabinet http://www.historycentral.com/Bio/presidents/jackson.html http://www.tpscongress.org/enduring-issues/timeline/free-trade/1832-nullification-crisis.html http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4h1567.html http://www.liberalamerica.org/2015/01/29/10-historical-events-youve-never-heard-about/
Birth of Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson was born March 15, 1767. He was born into a family with little money.
Andrew Jackson Place of Birth Andrew Jackson was born in the Waxhaws region on the border of North Carolina and South Carolina.
Andrew Jacksons Childhood He was born to Andrew and Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson. They were Scottish- Irish who came from Ireland in 1765. His father died three weeks before Jackson was born. At the age of 13 Jackson joined a militia or a military force that was raised from the civilians to enhance a regular army in an emergency. He ended up having to fight in the revolutionary war. He had 2 brothers Hugh and Robert. Hugh died in the Battle of Stono Ferry in 1779, will Robert got captured by the British with Andrew Jackson. They developed the disease smallpox ( it was a disease a lot like the chicken pox, but back in the 17-1800s it was a lot more deadly) which Robert didn’t recover from and ended up dying because of the disease. November 1779 Andrew Jackson was orphaned. His mother died of cholera when he was 14.
Personal Facts -Andrew Jacksons nickname was Old Hickery -Jackson was a Democrat -He was buried in Nashville Tennessee
Election of 1824 Andrew Jackson lost to John Quincy Adams in the election of 1824. Jackson had 99 votes but needed 130 to win.
Election of 1828 The win of the election of 1828 was Andrew Jackson. He was the seventh president. It was a rematch of John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. Democrats favored Jackson which gave him an advantage. Jackson had 178 and Adams had 83.
Jackson and Political Convention The political convention was a group of Democrats. They were responsible for election Jackson to his second presidency.
Jackson Actively Campaigning Andrew Jackson was in 2 campaigns. The election of 1824 and the election of 1828 in which he won and became the seventh president.
Spoils System Spoils system is when people that are supporters who help elect a person to office are given work. Andrew Jackson was involved with this because he was the first president to put it on a larger scale.
Kitchen Cabinet Jackson had 2 groups one called the cabinet and the other called the kitchen cabinet. The kitchen cabinet was a group of unpaid un official advisors who met with Jackson in the white house kitchen. Jackson ended up only meeting with the Kitchen Cabinet.
Veto Power used By Andrew Jackson Jackson was said to use his power to veto a lot more than he should have. He vetoed more bills than all the previous presidents before him combined. He was the first president to use pocket veto.
Nullification Crisis The nullification Crisis was started in South Carolina when they created the idea that states can ignore or refuse to apply laws. Andrew Jackson was president at this time and had to do something about it, so he argued that it was not good for the country. He came to the point were he threaten South Carolina. He said the what they were doing was an act of disunion.
Trail of Tears In 1838 and 1839 Andrew Jackson force the Cherokee nation out of there home and made them settle in a place which is now present day Oklahoma. The Cherokee people called it the Trail of Tears because of all the devastation.
Andrew Jacksons Treatment of the Cherokee nation Andrew Jackson undoubtedly treated the Cherokee nation horrible. The Cherokee nation had a deep hate for him because of what he did to them. They said that they would rather carry twenty ten-dollar bills than one twenty dollar bill.
Discrimination by Jackson Discrimination was a better word for racism. Andrew Jackson was involved because he was the one who forced the Cherokee nation out of their home.
Indian Removal Act of 1830 The Indian removal was made a law by Jackson saying that the president cane take any land west of the Mississippi and call it their own.
Andrew Jackson Videos Video 1:http://www.history.com/topics/us-presidents/andrew- jackson/videos/jacksons-personality-and-legacy Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx5IyumKmDI
Andrew Jackson Graphs This chart shows the votes in the Election of 1824 This chart shows the votes in the election of 1828
Conclusion In conclusion Andrew Jackson was considered the best president and also the worst president there was. He was a military hero, but he made the Cherokee nation move from there home. There are ups and downs to his presidency. In the end he was hated and loved as the seventh president of the United States.