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Describe the purposes of performance appraisal in organizations Summarize the performance appraisal process in organizations Identify and describe the most common methods that managers use for performance appraisal Discuss other general issues involving performance appraisal in organizations
Describe the nature of careers in organizations Discuss human resource management and career management Identify and discuss basic career- development issues and challenges
The Importance of Performance Appraisal Provide a benchmark for assessing the extent to which recruiting and selection processes are adequate Important for legal reasons Play a role as a part of the larger performance appraisal Basis of incentive pay systems Designed to improve motivation and performance
10.1 The Performance Management Process in a Typical Organization
10.2 Sources of Information for Performance Appraisal
Methods for Appraising Performance Ranking methods versus rating methods Simple ranking method Paired-comparison method Forced distribution method Specific rating methods Graphic rating scale Critical incident method Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) Behavioral observation scale (BOS) Management-by-objectives (MBO)
10.3 Examples of Graphic Rating Scales
10.4 Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales
Issues in Performance Appraisal Rating errors Contrast error Distributional errors Halo error Horns error Contextual performance Evaluating the performance appraisal process Legal issues
The Nature of Careers Career: Set of experiences and activities that people engage in related to their job and livelihood over the course of their working life People have thought of the various components making up a person’s career as having some degree of interrelation
10.5 The Traditional Model of Career Stages
10.6 Individual and Organizational Perspectives on Career Planning
10.7 Steps in Career Planning
Career-Development Issues and Challenges Career-counseling programs Dual-career and work-family issues Evaluating career-management activities
Performance appraisal: Specific and formal evaluation of an employee to determine the degree to which employee is performing his or her job effectively Performance management: General set of activities carried out by the organization to change employee performance People have thought of the various components making up a person’s career as having some degree of interrelation
360-degree appraisal Behavioral observation scale (BOS) Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) Career Career counseling Contextual performance Contrast error Critical incident method Disengagement Distributional error Establishment Exploration
Forced-distribution method Graphic rating scale Halo error Horns error Individual assessment phase Maintenance Management-by-objectives (MBO) Paired-comparison method Performance appraisal Performance management Simple ranking method