Mental and Emotional Disorders Chapter 6 test Mental and Emotional Disorders
1. Which emotion is opposite of sadness? a. Happiness b. Fear c. Depression d. Chemicals
2. Some panic attacks can be triggered by a. A fast heart rate. b. Lightheadedness. c. Phobias. d. Certain medicines.
3. Most mental illnesses affect a person’s a. Thoughts. b. Thoughts and actions. c. Physical health. d. Delusions.
4. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of depression? a. Feelings of anxiety b. Feelings of extreme sadness c. Feelings of hopelessness d. Feelings of hope
5. Emotional problems may lead some people to a. Become violent. b. Hurt themselves. c. Start fights. d. All of the above
6. The combination of repetitive thoughts and repetitive activity is an anxiety disorder called a. Panic attack. b. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. c. Phobia. d. Ritual mania.
7. Which of the following can contribute to having a negative self – concept? a. Being teased by others b. Being praised by a teacher c. Feeling supported by family members d. Feeling appreciated for a job well done
8. Therapy ____________ a. Is a sign that you’re weak because you can’t deal with your problems on your own. b. Is something that’s needed only by people who are crazy. c. Is an approach to dealing with problems that teaches you different ways of thinking or behaving. d. Is not something that can help you deal with problems because your problems can not be solved.
9. In family therapy, ___________________. a. Family members tell secrets about one another. b. Family members learn to communicate better. c. Family members talk about their problems but do not try to solve them. d. Family members are blamed for their behavior by the therapist.
10. Individual therapy __________. a. Is risky because the therapist will discuss what you say with other people. b. Is not a good idea because you will be talking about your problems with a stranger. c. Is helpful only if you have problems that the therapist has never heard of before. d. Is helpful because you can talk about your problems, in private, to someone you trust.
11. Strong feelings and mood swings ______________. a. Are a normal part of adolescence. b. Are always a sign that something is wrong. c. Should never be a concern. d. Should always be dealt with immediately.
12. Many people who are treated for mental and emotional problems __________. a. Go on to lead normal lives. b. Never get better. c. Are not respected because they had to get help. d. Regret that they asked for help.
13. What should you do if someone you now shows warning signs of suicide? a. Talk to him or her, but keep the conversation to yourself. b. Talk to him or her, and encourage the person to talk to a trusted adult. c. Act as if you haven’t noticed anything, as a way of respecting the person’s privacy. d. Have a conversation with the person, but don’t ask if he or she is thinking of doing anything dangerous.
14. If you have reason to believe that someone might be thinking of suicide, you should __________. a. Share your concerns with a trusted adult. b. Promise to keep it secret. c. Ignore it because you’re probably wrong. d. Remain silent to show you can be trusted.
15. If you are depressed, ____________. a. Stay by yourself because no one understands how you feel. b. Don’t share your feelings with anyone because no one can help you now. c. Share your feelings with someone you trust because just talking will often help. d. Share your feelings with someone, but don’t listen to him or her because nothing will ever change.
16. Why do some people NOT seek treatment for a mental illness? a. They feel embarrassed or ashamed. b. They do not think they need treatment. c. They may not know they can get treatment. d. All of the above.
17. What else belongs on this list of signs that a problem might not go away on its own? Wanting to spend all your time alone, trouble sleeping, and feeling worried or nervous all the time. a. Feeling hopeful about the future b. Feeling out of control c. Feelings of happiness alternating with feelings of sadness d. Feeling that your relationships with friends and family are getting better
18. Which of the following is a warning sign of suicide? a. A sudden fascination with the topic of death b. Losing interest in one’s appearance c. New behavior that includes doing reckless things d. All of the above
19. What is major depression? a. The usual periods of sadness that people feel from time to time b. A mood disorder in which people are extremely happy and have high energy no matter what happens to them c. A mood disorder in which people lose interest in life and can no longer find enjoyment in anything d. The periods of sadness experienced by most teens
20. What does NOT belong on this list of warning signs of depression 20. What does NOT belong on this list of warning signs of depression? Irritability, anger, or anxiety Lack of energy Feeling tired all the time a. Inability to concentrate b. Thoughts of death or suicide c. Indifference to things that used to bring pleasure d. Optimism and hope
21. What else belongs on the following list of warning signs of suicide? Avoiding activities that involve family Taking greater risks than usual Losing interest in things like hobbies a. Being hopeful about the future b. Giving away prized possessions c. Increasing interest in school or sports d. Wanting to spend time with friends
a. Bipolar mood disorder b. Depression c. Schizophrenia d. Alzheimer’s 22. The disorder that causes a person to have moods of extreme sadness or hopelessness is called a. Bipolar mood disorder b. Depression c. Schizophrenia d. Alzheimer’s
23. What is/are the factors that cause mental illnesses? a. Environment b. Biological c. Psychological d. All of the above
24. Which of the following is NOT an environment factor? a. Living in Poverty b. Parents going through a divorce c. Too little chemicals produced in the brain. d. Culture expectations
25. Which of the following is NOT a biological factor? a. Brain injury b. Traumatic experience c. Prenatal damage d. Old age
26. Which of the environmental factors does cause Post Traumatic Stress? a. Death or divorce b. Bullying / teasing c. Severe abuse d. Living in Poverty
27. What is Alzheimer’s disease? a. A disorder in which intense anxiety or fear keeps a person from functioning normally b. An irreversible brain disorder that affects a person’s memory and behavior c. A disorder in which people lose interest in life and can no longer find enjoyment in anything. d. A disorder where there is a person struggles with being able to empathize with others and often times the person can’t recognize the difference between right and wrong
28. Anorexia nervosa is a. Is a process where you binge and purge. b. Is self-starvation. c. Is compulsive overeating. d. Is where you exercise to the point of over doing it losing weight in the process.
29. Bulimia is a. Is a process where you binged and purge. b. Is self-starvation. c. Is compulsive overeating. d. None of the above
30. Binge eating is a. Is a process where you binged and purge. b. Is self-starvation. c. Is compulsive overeating. d. None of the above
31. Often times referred to as talk therapy. a. Drug therapy b. Psychotherapy c. Cognitive Therapy d. Behavior therapy e. Electroconvulsive therapy
32. This is the most effective treatment for severe depression. a. Drug therapy b. Psychotherapy c. Cognitive Therapy d. Behavior therapy e. Electroconvulsive therapy
33. This therapy may be helpful to people who don’t have a mental illness too. a. Drug therapy b. Psychotherapy c. Cognitive Therapy d. Behavior therapy e. Electroconvulsive therapy
34. Helps people identify distortions in thinking and understand how these distortions lead to problems in their lives. a. Drug therapy b. Psychotherapy c. Cognitive Therapy d. Behavior therapy e. Electroconvulsive therapy
35. Help the person unlearn improper behaviors while learning adaptive behaviors a. Drug therapy b. Psychotherapy c. Cognitive Therapy d. Behavior therapy e. Electroconvulsive therapy
The next slides will have many recorded messages. There will be a recording up by the word bank. Then there will be a recording for each question. You can alternate by hearing the question and then listening to the word bank recording.
A. Schizophrenia. B. Family Therapy. C. Clinical Social Worker D A. Schizophrenia B. Family Therapy C. Clinical Social Worker D. Suicide E. Major depression 36. _______ A severe mental disorder in which people lose contact with reality 37. _______ The intentional taking of one’s life. 38. _______ Counseling that seeks to improve troubled family relationships 39. _______ A licensed, certified mental health professional with a master’s degree in social work. 40. _______ a serious mood disorder in which people lose interest in life and can no longer find enjoyment in anything
A. Anxiety Disorder. B. Psychiatrist. C. Psychologist D A. Anxiety Disorder B. Psychiatrist C. Psychologist D. Personality Disorder E. Phobia 41. _______A disorder in which intense anxiety or fear keeps a person from functioning normally. 42. _______ An exaggerated fear of a specific situation 43. _______ A psychological condition that affects a person’s ability to interact normally with others. 44. _______ a mental health professional who is trained and licensed by the state to perform therapy 45. _______ a medical doctor with a specialty in the treatment of mental health problems
A. Group Therapy. B. Phobias C. Medicines. D. Bipolar disorder E A. Group Therapy B. Phobias C. Medicines D. Bipolar disorder E. Support Group 46. One mood disorder previously known as manic-depressive disorder is _____________. 47. In _____________, the therapist meets with several patients at once. 48. New and more effective ________________ for treating emotional disorders have been produced.
A. Individual Therapy B. Anxiety C. Mood D. Therapy E. Phobias 49. Extreme feelings of sadness and happiness may be a _____________ disorder. 50. For many emotional problems, professional counseling, or _____________ is often needed. 51. Common _____________ include fear of flying or spiders.
A. Emotional B. Resilience C. Adapt D. Self-concept E. Self-esteem 52. Your ________________ is the view you have of yourself. 53. Your ________________ is the way you feel about yourself and how you value yourself. 54. ________________ is the ability to bounce back from disappointment. 55. Having a positive self-concept is an important part of mental and ________________ health.
Passage audio
58. Name three symptoms of schizophrenia. ___________________________