Tri-Valley High School Announcements Wednesday , February 22 , 2017
Choir Discount Cards Purchase discount cards from the choir for only $7 each. To buy one, see a choir member or Mrs. Japikse for more info.
Tri-Valley News Any sport or club that would like their activity advertised in the paper please email with information.
CDL Class The class will not resume until further notice.
Prom Committee Any junior interested in being part of the prom committee needs to sign up outside of T-05.
Scholarships Several new scholarships are available in Student Services. You can also check the Student Services website for links to the most up-to-date applications
More information to follow Save The DATE Meadow View Church of Christ is holding After Prom, May 13th, 9pm - 1am. More information to follow
SOFTBALL MANDATORY!!! When: February 20, 2017 – 4:30 to 7:00 Softball Tryouts When: February 20, 2017 – 4:30 to 7:00 When: February 21-24, 2017- 5:15 – 7:30/8:00 Location: Old HS Gym MUST HAVE A PHYSICAL TO TRYOUT!!! No physical – you cannot participate in tryouts. MANDATORY!!! Any questions…….. Please contact Coach Seward.
Wood I and II Mr. Rauch’s Wood 1 and 2 classes from last semester please report to his room at some point to pick up your safety award.
Spring Play Auditions for the Spring Play will be Tues. and Weds. next week after school in room T-10. ALL ARE WELCOME! Pick up an audition questionnaire in room T-10 or in the office to bring with you to the auditions on Tuesday.
A Cappella Club Will meet TODAY at 3pm
Track Anyone interested in running track, and wasn’t at the meeting Thursday night, needs to see Mr. Helms or Mr. Sims today for paperwork