Tomah HS Bands Welcome! Director is Mr. O’Brien Next year’s schedule Block Schedule two days a week “Timbewolf Time” Notable band events next year Band Camp Dates Google Calendar Social Media @tomahbands Band Booster Facebook
Ensembles Offered Marching Band (1st quarter, Fall Semester) Pep Band Jazz Ensemble (year round, extra-curricular) Wind Ensemble (5th hour, 2-4 quarter) Concert Band (5th hour 2nd quarter, 3rd hour 2nd semester) Musical Pit (Spring Musical, extra-curricular) Show Band (November-March, extra-curricular) Community Band (Tuesday night year round, voluntary) Various chamber ensembles (Solo & Ensemble)
Marching Band Takes place during 1st quarter during 5th hour No audition needed to be a member Performs at Pep Rallies, Home Football Games, Parades, Band Days, etc. Great opportunity for student leadership Band Camp takes place during the summer 2016: 5 home football games, 5 parades, Fall Review Concert, more dates to come There is no fee to participate in marching band however a few uniform items need to be purchased No marching experience is required Parent volunteers are needed for games and parades
Next Year’s Marching Show Rock of Ages
Nashville 2017! The Band is traveling to Nashville! Concert Band focused trip April 10-14th 2017 Staying at Grand Ole Opry Hotel Cost $400-$650 Fundraising available and encouraged! Itinerary is still tentative Band takes coach busses!
Pep Band Takes place during Fall Sports Performs at Home Boy’s and Girl’s Basketball Games, will eventually expand to other sporting events Performs at Special Olympics Game in February No cost to participate A few games required as part of band grade
Jazz Ensemble Takes place year round Extra-Curricular ensemble No cost to participate Rehearses Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday at 7 AM Jazz I: Audition required Jazz II: No audition required Plays many gigs around the Community, 2 concerts Travels to jazz festivals around the state Jazz I has limited instrumentation: Saxophone family, Trombone, Trumpet, Drumset, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Piano. (flute or clarinet depending on the piece of music)
Wind Ensemble Requires audition Meets during 5th hour 2nd-4th quarter Standard wind band instrumentation Challenging repertoire for advanced musicians Performs three concerts per year Collaborates with composers, conductors, and collegiate/military ensembles Three lessons required per quarter Travels to Concert Band Festivals Mostly filled with upperclassmen
Concert Band No audition required to participate Takes place during 5th hour (1st quarter) and 3rd hour (2-4) Performs three concerts per year Standard wind band instrumentation Three lessons are required per quarter Travels to Concert Band Festivals Everyone is welcome!
Musical Pit Orchestra Accompanies the Spring Musical Musical takes place late April/Early May Instrumentation depends on the selected musical (next year is Grease) Extra-curricular ensemble Rehearsals take place in the evening
Show Band Accompanies the THS Limited Edition Show Choir Extra-curricular ensemble No cost to participate Rehearsals begin in November and end in March Rehearses twice a week from 7-9 PM Travels to many competitions around the state Competitions happen on Saturday and last all day Limited instrumentation, auditions may be necessary if enough people are interested
Honor Bands Extra-curricular playing opportunity at Universities Students are nominated by Band Director and are potentially selected to participate We travel to 3-4 honor bands per year (Luther, Platteville, Gustavus Adolphus) Mostly upperclassmen are selected but selection based on instrument need and ability Overnight and usually on weekends Small cost for participating ($20-$80) Transportation is provided A great opportunity to play with students from different high schools from different states
Travel Opportunities The band takes a large trip every 2 years This year we traveled to Florida and participated in the Outback Bowl Next large trip: 2016-2017 Through honor bands, marching band, showchoir competitions, jazz festivals, and concert band festivals the band has traveled all over the state of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa. The band travels to many places within the community such as the Tomah VA, Tomah Nursing and Rehab Center, Cranberry Country Lodge, parks, etc.
Solo & Ensemble Takes place in March Rotates locations between Tomah, Sparta, and BRF Next year is March 18th in Tomah A great opportunity for students to play in small groups or alone Students are adjudicated and receive comments from a Judge If a student or ensemble receives the rating of a 1* they advance to State Solo & Ensemble in May Extra-curricular but participation is encouraged
Collaboration The THS Bands often collaborate with other musicians, universities, conductors, and composers Here are a few examples of collaborations we’ve had in the past three years: 85th Army Band Gustavus Adolphus College Wind Orchestra Concorida St. Paul Concert Band Allen Cordingley- Professor of Jazz Studies and Saxophone at UW-Platteville Dr. Michael Forbes- Professor of Low Brass at UW-La Crosse Alex Shapiro- Composer Dr. Jacqueline Wilson- Professor of Bassoon at UW-Platteville Dr. Tammy Fisher- Professor of Percussion and Marching Band at UW-La Crosse Dr. Corey Mackey- Professor of Clarinet at UW-Platteville Nate Woodring- Jazz Drumset, Michigan State University UW-Milwaukee Concert Band Festival UW-Platteville Jazz Festival UW-Eau Claire Jazz Festival Sotto Voce Quartet Roy Magnuson- Composer