Does Alka-Seltzer dissolve faster in Hot or Cold water ? By: Angelina Moraga & Jessica Zambrano Computech Middle School METHODS 1. Pour 1 cup of hot and cold water in each drinking glass. 2. Place thermometer in each glass. 3. Put Alka Seltzer Tablet in cold water and start stopwatch. 4. Stop stopwatch as soon tablet is entirely dissolved. (Be sure to observe the glass before stopping the stopwatch) *repeat steps ‘3 & 4’ with other glass RESULTS We tested the experiment 10 times. Throughout the tests we got data to support that Alka-Seltzer dissolves faster in hot water than cold water. By timing which one finished first. The hot water won every time. ABSTRACT We put Alka-Seltzer in hot and cold water to see which will dissolve faster. We then found out that it dissolves faster in hot water. Our question was - Which temperature will the Alka Seltzer dissolve faster in ? Our hypothesis was - If we place Alka Seltzer in different temperature water the speed of it dissolving will vary. DISCUSSION The Alka-Seltzer dissolved faster in the hot water because the particles are getting spread apart from the hot water because it causes them to move faster from the one area they were in.