Tuesday, November 8th Entry Task Schedule: Week 9 (November 2-6) Tuesday, November 8th Entry Task ISN 71 Answer the following questions using full sentences, IQIA. Do you think ice wedging will occur in the tropical rain forest? Why or why not? Do you think that dissolving will occur often in the desert? Why or why not? Schedule: ISN 71 Rates of Weathering ISN 73 Weathering Pre-Lab Objective: ISN 73 I can design a lab to investigate how a certain factor will affect the rate of weathering Homework: Continue to think about and design your lab. Tomorrow will be the last day to design and make final touches on it. We will perform lab on Thursday Please have on desk: ISN 71 and Test reflection
There are 3 Influential factors: Rates of Weathering Most weathering occurs over long periods of time – hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years. There are 3 Influential factors: Surface area Rock composition Climate
Surface Area The more of a rock’s surface that is exposed to air and water, the faster the rock will break down.
Different kinds of rock break down at different rates. Rock Composition Different kinds of rock break down at different rates.
Climate Chemical weathering occurs faster in hot, wet regions than it does in cold, dry regions. Mechanical weathering caused by freezing and thawing occurs more in cold regions than in hot regions.
Weathering Lab Design your own
Using the following available materials (not all), you will design your own lab Alka-Seltzer (represent rock) Chalk (represent rock) Sand (represent small rock particles) Large marbles (represent large rock particles) Water (can be varying temperatures) Ice Hammer (to crush rock into smaller pieces) Beakers Graduated cylinders (to measure liquid) Balance Stopwatch Ruler Bins with lids Any other materials needed, ask teacher
Create a Testable Question/Purpose Using what you have learned about the factors that affect the rates of weathering, create a question/purpose to guide your lab. Your lab should: Test one of the factors that affects the rate of weathering. Measure how much a rock has weathered when the factor is present (rate of weathering) Focus on either chemical or mechanical weathering- only one example of each.
Procedure As a group, you need to design a series of numbered steps to help you answer your question/purpose The procedure must: Include safety precautions Have controlled conditions Be measureable Repeatable Change only the manipulated variable
Identify the Variables Manipulated: What is being changed Responding: What will happen as a result? Controlled: As many things as you can list- these are the things that are not changing.
Hypothesis Write a hypothesis for your experiment. If__________________ (What is being changed), then ______________________ (what will happen), because ______________ (reason).
Labeled diagram Draw, label and color a detailed diagram of what your experimental setup will be
Data table As a group, create a data table to record the results you will be measuring.
Weathering Pre-Lab- Reference ISN 5 “How to write a lab report” Testable Question/Purpose Hypothesis Variables Materials Procedure ISN 72 Diagram of set up Data Table