Welcome This year we’re using Epic! to support student learning by giving students access to thousands of high-quality fiction and nonfiction books.
At a Glance: What is Epic!? Instant access to the world’s largest digital library of high-quality fiction and nonfiction for kids 12 and under Includes personalized reading recommendations for each child based on individual reading preferences and abilities Reading logs to track student progress Available on iPads, iPhone, Android devices, and on any computer or desktop
Benefits of Epic! An incredible selection of high-quality books available right in our classroom Personalized recommendations for each child Access to reading lists that I create for the classroom Thousands of nonfiction books as a great resource for research and learning Popular fiction and Award-winning titles
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Epic! Home Access Our class loves reading on Epic! in the classroom. They can read and access even more books at home. Use code: EPICREADS to enjoy two free months! www.getepic.com