Daily Announcements thursday, AUGUST 24th , 2017
Interested in Thompson Cross Country? If so, pick up an information sheet outside Room 1173. Practices begin MONDAY, August 21. You must have registered online, have current physical, and made payment.
Interested in Thompson Robotics Club? If so, pick up an application in the LRC today. Applications are due Wednesday, August 23rd. Member selection will be posted outside the LRC on Friday, August 30th.
Lanyards for sale! $2.00 per lanyard. Show your school spirit and keep your student ID safe. Paw print lanyards for sale in the LRC. $2.00 per lanyard.
FALL INTRAMURALS Fall intramurals begin next Thursday, August 24. We will be playing soccer and flag football every Tuesday and Thursday after school until 4:30. All students from all grade levels are invited to attend. The cost is a ridiculously low $10. Don’t miss this opportunity ! Get a permission slip from Mr. Bajusz in Room 1105, Mr. Parlier in Room 2364 or from your P.E. teacher.
Counselor Information ***WE HAVE MOVED*** Ms. Shaw- All grade levels A-L Room #2238 (In green hallway across from Mrs. Jansen's room-2235) Mrs. Folley- All grade levels M-Z Room #2124 (In yellow hallway across from Mrs. Gray's room-2121)
Also on Miss Liewald’s website and Tiger’s Tale! You’ve been asking about it… You’re a part of it… It happens every year… All sales are online. Visit the link below to place your order: http://shop.balfour.com/smi22379 Write this down or take a pic! Also on Miss Liewald’s website and Tiger’s Tale!
Drama Club Thompson Interested in being an ACTING TIGER? Might be the place for you! 1st Meeting: Thursday, August 31st from 3:10-4:30 in the cafeteria. Fall Play Auditions: Thursday, September 7th from 3:10-5:30pm The Fall Play is called Ax of Murder and is a murder mystery comedy. Please see Mrs. Gray in Room 2121 with any questions!
Opening Day 2017!! The Tiger Depot Friday, September 1st Save those tokens and bring them to your lunch period to “purchase” something spectacular!
Boys Soccer Team Athletes who need to take the concussion baseline test must report to lab 1 after school. All other soccer players need to report to the cafeteria for athletic study hall. Bring homework or something to work on. We will head to the practice field following athletic study hall.