THE CHURCH DRAWS HER LIFE FROM THE EUCHARIST Second Vatican Council rightly proclaimed that Eucharistic sacrifice is “the source and the summit of the Christian life” The Eucharist contains the Church’s entire spiritual wealth: Christ himself, our Passover and living bread Through His own flesh, now made living and life-giving by the Holy Spirit, He offers life to all people Thus, the Church’s gaze is constantly turned to the Lord, present in the Sacrament of the Altar, in which she discovers the full manifestation of His boundless love
SERVING AT THE TABLE OF THE LORD You are called to serve in the name of God and His Church In the breaking of the bread; in the eating and the drinking the faithful are joined together as members of Christ’s mystical Body, sharing the one life of the Spirit. The EMHC shares in the work of the Lord’s Spirit making of us one bread, one Body, and the cup of blessings, which we bless. The calling is to minister Christ’s Body and Blood to the Body of Christ--the Church.
SOME PROFOUND FACTS Prayerfully reflect on these facts… You were called by the Holy Spirit to be an EMHC Your service as an EMHC is not an additional duty or a profession but a ministry Your Ministry facilitates multiple miracles in people's lives as they encounter the Lord via your service Your EMHC service is seen by those in the pew as Christian Leadership
EMHC IS A MINISTRY The model for all EMHC ministry is Christ the Lord who came to serve, not to be served. His command to “love one another” (cf. John 13:43) was modeled throughout His life and ministry. Genuine EMHC ministry is about humble service. The EMHC puts aside personal agendas and needs, prejudices and judgments in order to serve the community and give faithful testimony to Christ’s presence in the Eucharist.
HOW SIGNIFICANT IS THE EMHC? The EMHC is a facilitator in the Greatest Mystery The EMHC serves Christ who is present in the assembly by ministering His Body &Blood to his or her sisters and brothers The EMHC serves the Body of Christ by taking Holy Communion to those members who, through sickness, old age, or other causes are prevented from taking part in the Mass
GRACE FOR THE EMHC The Holy Spirit moves the EMHC to see in the eyes of the elderly, the young, the lonely, the rich and the poor, that these are also the presence of Christ in their midst Some of the specific EMHC charisma are those of hospitality, compassion and love of people.
GIFTS OF THE EMHC The Holy Spirit endows EMHC with gifts A love for Jesus Christ Grace-filled living Integrity Compassion for God's people Leadership gifts An ability to learn and share the faith A capacity for critical reflection Questions to consider are "Which gifts do I have, & How will I use them?"
THE EMHC SPIRITUAL THIRST To continue to discern one's unique call to serve (Personal and Spiritual Maturity) To continue a commitment to the Church To develop a critical thirst for Catholic knowledge, especially Eucharistic theology To become increasingly aware of oneself as a public person and minister of the Church
CONTINUING FORMATION OF THE EMHC EMHC are encouraged to nurture their love for the Eucharist through adoration or frequent visits to the tabernacle. EMHC should have at least one retreat a year EMHC should have instructions in Catholic doctrine and the norms and spirit of the liturgy.
NAMES OF MASS OBJECTS Chalice – cup for the wine used by the Priest for Consecration. Ciborium (Ciboria) – vessels used to hold the Hosts for distribution. Corporal - square piece of linen (resembles a small napkin. It is spread out on the Altar, and the chalice and Sacred Host are placed upon it. Cup – vessels used to hold the Precious Blood for distribution. Paten – flat or shallow bowl shaped vessel used to hold the larger Host broken by the Priest and other Hosts consecrated during Mass. Purificator – folded white cloth used to wipe the rim of the Cups when distributing the Precious Blood. Sacristy – room or area behind the altar.