Complete your student task! What is the Holy Spirit? Complete your student task!
09 May 2018 What is the meaning and importance for Christians of believing in the Holy Spirit? Lesson objective: To be able to explain the meaning and importance of the Holy Spirit for Christians. Learning Outcomes: All: Will be able to explain the meaning of belief in the Holy Spirit Most: Will be able to explain why the Holy Spirit is important for Christians. Some: Will be able to evaluate whether the Holy Spirit is active in the world today. LITERACY: To answer and structure a written response on this topic. 5 mins Prayer Pupils write down the title, date and learning objective Teacher to explain the learning outcomes of the lesson Keywords: Holy Spirit
The meaning of believing in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the means by which God communicates with humans, bringing God’s presence into the world. For example, ...................................... ........................................................................................................................ The Holy Spirit is how God helps the Church to keep the Apostolic Tradition. The Holy Spirit also helped when ............................................................ ........................................................................................................................ The Holy Spirit is the means by which all the sacraments of the Church put believers into communion with Christ. One sacrament that does this is ....................................... ............................................... The meaning of believing in the Holy Spirit. 12 minutes Through the presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians, God can ................................................. ...................................................................................................................................... The Holy Spirit inspired the Bible. The Holy Spirit did this by ............... ........................................................................................................................
Student Task: Explain what it means for Christians to believe in the Holy Spirit 4 developed points Correct spelling, punctuation and grammar Phrases to help you structure: Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Finally, For Christians this means ... Christians believe that ... 8 minutes The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. This means that Christians believe that the Holy Spirit should be worshipped. When Roman Catholics go to Mass they recognise the presence of the Holy Spirit during their time of worship and the role the Spirit plays in the Mass.
Why is it important for Christians to believe in the Holy Spirit? Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity The Holy Spirit is present in the sacraments. For example, in the sacrament of Baptism and reconciliation, it purifies people from sin, restoring their relationship with God. It inspires the teachings of the Church so the teachings of the Church should be obeyed as if they were the teachings of God. Its gifts enable Christians to live lives full of love, joy and peace, helping Christians live the lives Jesus wants them to live. The Holy Spirit guides Cardinals in the election of the Pope and the choice of leaders. This is important as it shows that the leaders are approved by God. It gives power to people, enabling them to live their Christian vocations fully. 7 minutes Rank them in order of importance. Which is the most important and why?
“The Holy Spirit is active in the world today” Agree Disagree If the Holy Spirit were active, all Christians would believe the same thing. If the Holy Spirit were active, Christians would be full of peace and joy and they are not. (See Bible Galatians 5 - Fruits of the Spirit) If the Holy Spirit were active, Christians would be living as Jesus wants them to live and many do not.