Pleistocene of the North Sea Hans Petter Sejrup NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks Morfologi Banks and throughs, Norwegian channel, Endmorains, canyons Weichselian glacial history NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
Marine Geological cruise to the North Sea – Fladen area, 2005 NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
Research perspectives Quaternary stratigraphy and paleoenvironments Paleoclimatic studies - (Rapid) Meltwater & stability of marine based ice sheets Holocene Glacial processes Ice streams…. Site surveys Geotechnics & coring programs Influence on hydrocarbon reservoirs (GLACIPET) Subsidence and overburden NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
Challenges Genetic interpretation of sediments and acoustic units Till…. Marine, fluvial, lacustrine sediments… Methods Chronostratigraphy AMS, Sr isotopes… Paleomag, amino, bio.. Episodic style of sedimentation & erosion NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
Norwegian sector Ice stream influence NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
Troll Glacial lineations Marginal moraines NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks This image based on a database compiled by NGU sho some of the main feature in the Norwegian Channel off western Norway 200 m depth in south c. 400 at the margin.. The Storegga slide scar , icestream orfology mid norwegian margin, Terminal moraines. Large moraine sytem by the end of the channel. Mega flutes. Midmoreines resulting from feeding into the channel from the western Norwegian fjords. Otline some of the main features of the units in the Channel. First Troll core then discussion of these seismic lines. Glacial lineations NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
Sejrup et al. 1995 NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
Sejrup et al. 2000 NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks Seismikk Number of seuences strating with a glacial erosion surface- till- marine unit new GS. Subsidence margin. Mrginal platau. More complex towards the margin. End moraine at the margin Sejrup et al. 2000 NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
Max. glaciation scenario Interglacial scenario Muchy of thes knowledgethe knowlwedge on the role the largepleistocene ice stream have played, have been derived from research grpups working on the continental margins bordering the North AStlantic And it is an increasing understanding of how thesae features have beenMajor transport agens for sediments derived from the continents to the deep sea and also how they could Episodic delivery of freshwater into the thermohaline circulation. Impact on climate but also reflect climate. Larger icestream only aciv under peak glaciation - Thisis overhead depict some of the major icestreams draining the fennoscanian ice sheet witht a location of the huge assosiated through mouth fan. In this talk i will consentrate on the Norwegian Channel Icestream which has been draining large part of the southern fennoscandian icesheet. The results I present here ar mostly rsearch carrtied out by my group at the university of bergen partly in close cooperation with Eiliv Larsen and Coworkers at the Geologicalø survey in Tronheim. I will not focuse so much on methods, detailed stratigraphy, chronology etc, but rather paint a broad picture of the development in the region. NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
Incisions,tills and shallow marine UK sector Incisions,tills and shallow marine NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
Carr in press NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
BGS 81/26 NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks Sejrup et al. 1987
LGM glacial history History of reconstructions Understanding of the system - chronology Meltwater delivery how, when and volumes Stability of icestreams to the margin Some keysites and their implications NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
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NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
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NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
Conclusion Dynamic model for the Pleistocene development of the North Sea ? Understanding of processes and their implications (Ice streams, meltwater, incisions etc.) 3 D data potensial -long cores -fieldwork Volumes and timing Modelling…. NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
H3 Norwegian Sea MD 2010 MD 2289 NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
Stoker et al. NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
Pre LGM dates in Scotland UK ice sheet c.18 ka BP Boulton 2002 NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks
NGU 3-4.11.05 Petromaks