H-1B Technical Skills Training and Jobs Accelerator Grants Welcome Grantee Orientation November 21st, 2011
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Access to Webinar Resources Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event. Access to Webinar Resources
Today’s Presenters Speakers Jennifer Troke, Program Manager, Division of Strategic Investments, Office of Workforce Investment BJai Johnson, Grant Officer, Division of Federal Assistance Jeannette Flowers, Grants Management Specialist, Division of Federal Assistance Wendy Havenstrite, Workforce Analyst, Division of Strategic Investments, Office of Workforce Investment, H-1B SGA Lead Sarah Sunderlin, Workforce Analyst, Division of Strategic Investments, Office of Workforce Investment Stuart Werner, Workforce Analyst, Division of Strategic Investments, Office of Workforce Investment
Today’s Agenda H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants Jobs Accelerator Grants Roles and Support Grant Start-up Logistics Performance Reporting Next Steps
H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants H-1B Award Factoids H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants 36 awards were made to partnerships of private and public sector entities Grants range from approximately $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 Jobs Accelerator Grants 20 awards ranging from $500,000 - $1,000,000 Grant summaries may be found at: www.doleta.gov/grants
Jobs Accelerator Grant Activities EDA ETA SBA Technical assistance Feasibility studies Planning activities Market expansion Other activities critical for accelerated cluster development Technology or process development Cluster networking EDA On-the-job training Classroom occupational training Contextualized learning Distance learning Customized training, including incumbent worker training Related activities to support education, training and placement activities ETA Accounting & marketing services Counseling Proposal/bid preparation workshops Feasibility studies Marketing/presentation analyses & advertising expertise Loan packaging Industry specific TA Other specialized management training and technical services SBA
Period of Performance ETA’s Jobs Accelerator Grants began October 1, 2011 and end September, 2015 Technical Skills Training Grants for Round 1 began November 14, 2011 thru November 30, 2015 DOL expects grantees to fully expend funds during the period of performance
Future Training Topics/Schedule December 2011 Financial Management & Reporting (Series of 4 training modules) January 2012 H-1B specific Financial Module April – May 2012 Preparing your Quarterly Performance Report Accessing the On-line Performance Reporting System – Series of training modules Available to You Now! Outreach Training Grant Modifications Products and Deliverables Sustainability Toolkit Working with Hard to Serve Clients Competency Models – Tools for Employer Engagement
Bi-Monthly Newsletter Grantee Institutes Quarterly Learning Events Future TA Resources Bi-Monthly Newsletter Grantee Institutes Quarterly Learning Events Additional Webinars Performance Camp
Division of Strategic Investments SGA Highlights Wendy Havenstrite SGA Lead Division of Strategic Investments
Regional Map 14
DOL/ETA Program Office The National Program Office has several functions: Develops the H-1B technical assistance plan Coordinates Federal Support Teams Reviews grantee performance reports Periodically requests additional information about your grant
SGA Leads Located in the Division of Strategic Investment in ETA’s (National) Office of Workforce Investments Work closely with the FPOs and Federal Support Teams Knowledgeable about workforce challenges, industry trends, and innovative strategies in specific high- growth industries Communicate frequently with the grantees regarding TA events and policy decisions Review some modification requests
DOL/ETA Grant Officer The Grant Officer performs official grant duties: Maintains official grant documents, modifications, extensions, etc. Approves all purchases over $5,000
The Grant Award Grant Award Letter Grant Agreement - Notification of Award Obligation Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Administrative Costs Solicitation Part I - Statement of Work Part II - Budget Information – SF-424A Part III - Assurances /Certifications Part IV - Special Clauses and Conditions
Acknowledgements of Award Payment Management System Grant Award Letter Acknowledgements of Award Payment Management System Information and forms on www.doleta.gov/grants under Payment Information ETA’s on-line Grantee Fiscal Reporting System – SF 9130 Information to access system on www.doleta.gov/grants under Financial Reporting Passwords/PINs are sent separately after supplying the necessary information --- Once you receive it please DO NOT LOSE IT!
Grants Management Specialist Division of Federal Assistance SGA Highlights Jeannette Flowers Grants Management Specialist Division of Federal Assistance
Grant Agreement Notification of Award Obligation Project title H-1B Technical Skills Training grants, or H-1B Jobs and Innovation Accelerator grants Grant awardees' identifying information DOL identifying information (for the first grants) Agreement # HG-XXXXX, or JA-XXXXX Period of performance Award amount Regulations and costs principles Signatures
Notification of Award Obligation, Regulations and Costs Principles Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) can be found at http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr/index.html Uniform Administrative Requirements 29 CFR Part 95-Institutions for Higher Education 29 CFR Part 97, State/Local Governments and Indian Tribes Cost Principles 2 CFR 220 (OMB Circular A-21) – Educational Institutions 2 CFR 225 (OMB Circular A-87) – State/Local Government, Indian Tribes 2 CFR 230 (OMB Circular A-122) – Non-profit Organizations Other Requirements (As Applicable)
Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Submitted by grant applicant Incorporated in grant packet
Grantee’s original proposal Statement of Work Grantee’s original proposal Includes Technical Proposal, and required attachments Budget
Special Clauses and Conditions Budget Line Item Flexibility Indirect Cost Rate and Cost Allocation Plan Transparency Information Special Conditions Federal Project Officer Equipment Program Income Intellectual Property Rights Evaluation Reports Quarterly Financial and Performance Reports
All technical proposals should be submitted by now Redaction in Action All technical proposals should be submitted by now We will consult with you with questions Expect to post on our public site very soon
Division of Strategic Investments SGA Highlights Sarah Sunderlin Workforce Analyst Division of Strategic Investments
The Value of Performance and Outcomes Reporting Reporting successes of high profile programs to Congress, Administration, OMB, GAO, media, etc. Demonstrating grant outcomes to investors and partners Illustrating Return on Investment (ROI) to employer partners Building additional strategic partnerships and leveraging resources Sustainability of the project and partnership Continuously improving program to meet the needs of participants
Reporting Requirements Two reports due each quarter Financial Programmatic Final Report due at the end of the grant
Capturing All Required Information Reporting Metrics: Total participants served; Total participants beginning education/training activities; Total participants completing education/training activities; Total participants who complete education/training activities that receive a degree, or other type of credential; Total number of credentials each participant is expected to receive.
Reporting Metrics Cont. Total participants who complete education/training activities who enter unsubsidized employment; Total participants who complete education/training activities who are placed in unsubsidized employment and remain employed in the 1st and 2nd quarters after placement; The average wage participants earn after placement.
Participant Data Other Reporting Data Demographic Information Selective Service Registration Social Security Numbers
Complement data with narratives! Training is on the way! It’s Not Just Data Great Programs + Great Data + Great Outcomes = Great Success for American Workers! Data is useful! Complement data with narratives! Training is on the way!
Quarterly Performance & Financial Reporting Schedule Quarter End Dates Report Submission Due Date Report Activities that Occurred During: December 31, 2011 February 14, 2012 October 1 – December 31, 2011 March 31, 2012 May 15, 2012 January 1 – March 31, 2012 June 30, 2012 August 15, 2012 April 1 – June 30, 2012 *Should the due date a report fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the report is due the Friday before.
Training New System is under development! Lots of training is going to be available soon! Prepare for data collection now!
Your First Assignment: Homework Program and fiscal staff will listen to four pre-recorded Financial Webinar Recordings Introduction to Financial Reporting: http://www.workforce3one.org/view/3000914758141611670 Financial Management Principles: http://www.workforce3one.org/view/3000914831758578573 Introduction to Grant Applications and Forms http://www.workforce3one.org/view/3000914831964994677 Introduction to Procurement Requirements: http://www.workforce3one.org/view/3000914833849989433 9130 Financial Form and Instructions: http://www.doleta.gov/grants/docs/ETA-9130-straightSF269grants.pdf VIEW ALL MODULES BY End of December
Important To-Do’s Please continue to update grantee project contact(s) information including email and phone numbers to dsi@dol.gov or jobsaccelerator@dol.gov and to your Federal Project Officer (FPO) throughout the life of your grant Submit redacted proposal (if you haven’t already done so) to dsi@dol.gov or jobsaccelerator@dol.gov Please note SGA requirements for ETA training activities Contact FPOs first with most questions. National Office staff will coordinate with FPO as needed
More To-Do’s Update your Contact Information Any time the main point of contact for your grant changes, please remember to alert your Federal Project Officer (FPO) and the “National Office”. Federal Project Officers and the National Office regularly send out email “blasts” to grantees. Please make sure your email system does not identify our communication as spam and block it.
Division of Strategic Investment U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room C-4518 Washington, DC 20210 Email: dsi@dol.gov or jobsaccelerator@dol.gov (202) 693-3949 H-1B Team: Jen Troke, Program Manager: troke.jennifer@dol.gov Wendy Havenstrite, SGA Lead: havenstrite.wendy@dol.gov Stu Werner, SGA Lead: werner.stuart@dol.gov Sarah Sunderlin, TA/Performance Lead: sunderlin.sarah@dol.gov
Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! Question and Answer Period Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!
Share Your Ideas with Your Peers! You have the option to submit content for review by uploading the resource or providing a link to the resource. Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas!
Access to Webinar Resources Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event. Access to Webinar Resources
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