Coastal Habitats and Seasonal Changes ENGLISH Labelling collections Sequencing / describing photos sequences from beachcombing visits Non-fiction seashore books Tongue Exploring seashore via senses & use to generate expanded vocabulary for writing Letter in a bottle Traditional tale – Rapunzel (Brothers Grimm not Disney!) MATHS Sorting, matching & classifying Comparing & ordering Estimating and weighing using standard & non-standard measures Sugar cube towers Rain gauges Coastal Habitats and Seasonal Changes ILPs: Science / Art & Design Beachcombing and seashore with rock pools and micro-habitats; Scarborough Castle as a historical habitat; summer season & weather; seascape art work ART & DESIGN Making a beachcomber’s treasure book Planning, designing & making sea creatures Make a new home for a hermit crab Beachcomber art using shells, pebbles & driftwood Seascape art works – paint & mixed media Building stacks & towers with sugar cubes, stones, sticks etc. Berndnaut Smilde’s Moving Cloud Installations MUSIC Soundscapes – weather sounds / natural sounds Weather songs SMSC & BRITISH VALUES SCIENCE Identifying / naming plants and animals including micro-habitats Sorting & classifying dead / alive / never been alive Simple food chains (in rock pools) Identifying & classifying sea life Basic needs of animals (e.g. hermit crab) Observing seasonal changes P.E. Playing defend and attack games; fire ‘arrows’ )bean bags); play dodge ‘Castle’ assault courses GEOGRAPHY Identifying & naming coastal features Making models of coastline for small world investigation Using world maps & atlases to place towers TV weather reports / symbols / extreme weather View from a cloud PSHCE & SRE Seaside safety code Caring for the environment R.E. NY Agreed Syllabus Unit COMPUTING Using search engines to organise, store and retrieve information Search for live web cams / footage of seabirds etc. DT Cutting and joining: seabird felt finger puppet Building models of castles AQA Units to be selected as appropriate at KS4 HISTORY Visit to Scarborough Castle & learn about events beyond living memory Secondary Year 2 (2016 – 2017) Summer Term