Option 2B: Coastal Landscapes and Change Aim: To know the outline of this topic and to complete the introduction tasks
Sub topics across this option Enquiry Q1:Coastal processes Enquiry Q2:Landforms and landscapes Enquiry Q3:Coastal risks Enquiry Q4:Managing risks and conflicts
Specification content
Coastlines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPyl1LgNtoQ Different countries and coastlines from space https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI-B4RTKF2A Different coastlines from around the world
Enquiry question 1: Why are coastal landscapes different and what processes cause these differences In pairs write down words that you associate with the coast or different types of coastlines that you understand. Here are some key words you may have added Littoral zone – Divided into sub zones – Beach, offshore, backshore, nearshore, cliffs Waves – high tide, low tide Wave energy Human activity Transfer of sediments Geology Sand dunes Mud flats Erosion Deposition Vegetation Rocky coastline Coastal Plains Salt marshes
Extreme events & Human Development Coasts experience natural extreme events. Give named examples of such events - Storm surges Tsunamis Tropical Cyclones Name examples of Human development along the coast- Ports Varied types of industry Power plants Residential Varying types of tourism
Coastal Processes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyrTFNA2Ljo https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_750756 223&feature=iv&src_vid=m4bHsa1w0yI&v=SoOb4fg7cqk
The Littoral Zone (and its subzones) Match up the images with the different littoral zones in the block diagram.
3 Backshore 5 Cliffs/Coast 4 Offshore 2 Nearshore 1 Beach/foreshore
The Littoral zone Complete the card sort and add your answers in the table page 11 of your booklet Make sure you have a description of each zone and the factors which are responsible for changing each zone.
Two types of coastline Rocky—(or cliffed) coastlines have cliffs or varying heights from few to hundreds of metres. Cliffs are formed from rock but the hardness of it is variable. Coastal Plains– the land gradually slopes towards the sea across an area of deposited sediments, with sand dunes and mud flats being the most common examples. These coasts are sometimes referred to as alluvial coasts.
INPUTS PROCESSES OUTPUTS Because the coast is constantly changing it helps to think of it as a system driven by Wave Energy. Each component of The coastal system has INPUTS PROCESSES OUTPUTS Weathering Mass Movement
Classification of Coastal environments Make notes from table 8.1 p111 Remember that INPUTS such as TIDES WAVES RIVERS All influence the changes along the coast.
Answers Erosion = Norfolk - http://www.bgs.ac.uk/landslides/happisburgh.html Submergence = Cornwall & Devon - https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=hFkpCgAAQBAJ&pg=PT287&lpg=PT287 &dq=is+cornwall+an+example+of+submergence&source=bl&ots=qIDs1hUz7j &sig=IpQd5KdajcV6bPJoVn5IQCBvc68&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1k- ia5qbRAhVlGsAKHWi3BpAQ6AEILDAD#v=onepage&q=is%20cornwall%20an% 20example%20of%20submergence&f=false Emergence = Scotland – http://thebritishgeographer.weebly.com/sea-level- change.html Deposition = North Wales - http://thebritishgeographer.weebly.com/coasts- of-erosion-and-coasts-of-deposition.html
Sediment supply Where does the sediment that is found around our coastlines come from? Look at a case study e.g – Holderness 1 – Flamborough Head 2. Spurn Point 3. Along the coast Wave direction 1 North Sea 3 Transportation Sediment comes from the weathering & erosion of the northern area at 1. Here are landforms of EROSION Its then transported along the coast as Longshore Drift in a zig zag motion as the Waves approach the shore. This sediment Which is held in suspension is deposited at Spurn Point location 2. This is a SPIT, a landform of DEPOSITION. Chalk – Very hard rock Boulder Clay – Very soft rock Clay – very soft rock 2
Research – Contrasting Coastlines Look up online the three Contrasting Coastlines. Make sure you get a named example for each one and an image! Describe each one and explain its formation. Print off and glue each one into the blank pages that follow in your booklet. · Cliffed Coastlines · Sandy Coastlines · Estuarine coastlines