Vietnam – Exam Technique Learning Objectives: 1. To be aware of why the USA lost the Vietnam War.
An Overview…
Why did the USA lose?
Be ready to give feedback! Sorting the Evidence Look at these reasons for why the USA lost the Vietnam War. Sort them into order of importance: The media Protests US tactics VC tactics My Lai Tet Offensive US politicians Be ready to give feedback!
How would you answer this question? ‘The main reason for the USA’s failure to win the Vietnam War was the tactics of the Viet Cong.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. 16 marks + 4 SPaG
How would you answer this question? ‘The main reason for the USA’s failure to win the Vietnam War was the tactics of the Viet Cong.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. 16 marks + 4 SPaG Paragraph 1 Explain in detail how the VC tactics led to America’s defeat. Don’t describe the tactics. Make sure you also really focus on their outcomes. Paragraph 2 Look at other reasons for the USA failing to win. Again, explain these in detail and keep focused on the question. Conclusion How far do you agree? A lot? A little? Explain your views in detail. Top Tip The best answers need to include analysis. One way of doing this is to show how the reasons are linked together. Another way is to show how some reasons are more important than others as you go along.
Sample Answer 1 Read through the first sample answer you’ve been given. You need to find the 15 mistakes. These could be errors in facts or SPaG errors. Once you’ve done that, think about how the answer could be made better. Be ready to give feedback – we’ll look at the mistakes together!
Sample Answer 2 Read through the second sample answer you’ve been given. You will see that this is a much better answer. Why is it better?
Your Turn Have a go at answering this question. ‘The main reason for the USA’s failure to win the Vietnam War was the tactics of the Viet Cong.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. 16 marks + 4 SPaG Have a go at answering this question. You only have 20 minutes to write a detailed essay!