Great Mysteries of Dark Matter in Astronomy and on Earth September, 2016 Sing H. Lin , Ph.D. E-Mail:
Great Mysteries of Dark Matter Dark Matter is one of the great mysteries in modern science Thousands of scientists all over the world have been doing intensive research on dark matter for many years (> 40 ). But we still do not know what dark matter is.
Great Mysteries of Dark Matter - 2 does not emit light, (or ElectroMagnetic (EM) wave) does not reflect light (or EM wave) does not absorb light, (or EM wave) is transparent to light (or EM wave), and rarely interacts with ordinary matter directly We cannot see dark matter directly It cannot be directly detected via optical or radio astronomy We cannot touch dark matter
How Do We Know Dark Matter Exist? Inferred from serious problems and mysteries in several kinds of astronomy observations in recent 80 years: Galaxy rotation problem Problem of excessive speed of galaxies in large clusters of thousands of galaxies Excessive bending of light ray (gravitational lensing) as it travels to us across vast space from far distant galaxies and their clusters Bullet Cluster of collision of two galaxy clusters Power spectrum of the symphony (acoustic waves) of baby universe from measured map of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Radiation Required Time for Formation of Large-Scale Structure (Cosmic Web) of galaxies and clusters in the universe.
How Do We Know Dark Matter Exist? These observed problems and mysteries in astronomy seriously violate the known laws of physics unless there are lots of invisible dark matter in addition to our familiar ordinary matter in the universe This assumption of existence of dark matter can solve all those problems and mysteries in several independent astronomy observations.
Galaxy Rotation Problem (Mystery) - 1 Orbiting Velocity Of Stars in Galaxy Distance from Galaxy Center
Galaxy Rotation Problem - 2 Stars in the galaxy are orbiting too fast The gravity from all ordinary matters in the galaxy is not strong enough to keep all those “high speed” stars from flying away At the observed rotation speed, the galaxy will fly apart if the galaxy has only ordinary matters The observed galaxy rotation curve violates the law of gravity if the galaxy has only visible ordinary matters
Galaxy Rotation Problem - 3 The galaxy needs lots of invisible “dark matter” to have enough gravity to keep those “high speed” stars from flying away The required amount of dark matter is five times more than the ordinary matter in the galaxy The required dark matter cannot be all concentrated in the center, but must spread out throughout the entire spherical halo surrounding the galaxy to be able to keep the galaxy from flying apart
Galaxy Surrounded by Dark Matter Halo The galaxy is surrounded by a spherical halo of low density dark matter I refer to such low density dark matter as Type A dark matter
Coma Cluster of Thousands of Galaxies
First Observational Evidence of Dark Matter Fritz Zwicky in Caltech first discovered evidence of dark matter in 1933 Based on his observation of dynamics of galaxies in Coma cluster of thousands of galaxies Found that the luminous matter of the Coma galaxy cluster is far from enough to support the high velocities of the galaxies in the cluster Conclusion: dark mater must be present with a much greater density than luminous matter
Another Method to Detect Dark Matter by Gravitational Lensing
Gravitational Lensing
Gravitational Lensing According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, large concentration of matter such as a galaxy can warp the surrounding space and bend the light from a distant galaxy in much the same way that a glass lens can bend light. The image of a single distance galaxy can be perceived (split) as two or more images or as an arc or as a ring (known as Einstein Ring) at the receiving end due to the gravitational lensing as shown in two previous charts.
Einstein Ring due to Gravitational Lensing
Gravitational Lensing and Dark Matter Based on Einstein’s theory of relativity, scientists can calculate the required total mass in a foreground galaxy to produce an observed gravitational lensing configuration. The results indicate that the total mass of ordinary matter in the foreground galaxy is far from enough to produce the observed gravitational lensing configuration. The foreground galaxy needs five times more mass to be able to produce the observed gravitation lensing configuration
Consistent Measurement Results These problems and mysteries from several independent astronomy observations all point to the existence of dark matter consistently The ratio of dark-matter-to-luminous-matter in a galaxy obtained by several different kinds of astronomy observations is consistent Assumption of existence of large amount of dark matter solves all these problems and mysteries nicely.
Why is Dark Matter Important? These astronomy observations indicate that dark matter is five times more abundant than our familiar observable ordinary matter. Our science so far knows: only about 15% of our physical universe made of our familiar and visible ordinary matter, but very little about the other 85% of the physical universe made of invisible dark matter. The universe is filled with a vast ocean of dark material we know almost nothing about.
Dark Matter on Earth Dark matter exists not only on galaxies many light years away, but also on earth At least twelve deep underground laboratories have been set up and running for many years at various parts of the world to try to detect dark matter on earth These laboratories are mile deep underground to shield the measurement devices from cosmic rays that may produce false signals.
Many Deep Underground Laboratories Trying to Detect Dark Matter These laboratories have been running for many years. The 20 years of experimental data have been very controversial: Ten or more laboratories keep on coming up empty handed The laboratory in Italy claim that Type A dark matter has been detected The laboratory in Minnesota has detected similar signal, but is not sure it is dark matter
However, There Are Also Lots of Great Mysteries on Earth In addition to those problems and mysteries in astronomy observations, we also have great mysteries on earth observed and reported by many people for more than 100 years: Gravity Hills at hundreds of locations all over the world Mystery Spots at several known locations on earth Driven by scientific curiosity, I have been doing research on mysteries of Gravity Hills and Mystery Spots for more than 23 years now
Mystery on Gravity Hills A Gravity Hill is the slope or the hill on a strange section of a paved road People pours water on the paved road surface of the Gravity Hill and water just flows uphill. People put water bottle or basket ball on the paved road surface of the Gravity Hill and water bottle or basket ball just rolls uphill Vehicles in neutral transmission gear and brake released simply roll uphill on such Gravity Hill These observed strange phenomena on earth violate the law of gravity, similar to those observed in astronomy
A Vehicle Rolling Up A Gravity Hill in Eastern Canada
Hundreds of Known Gravity Hills All Over The World Many people show video of Gravity Hill mystery on YouTube at many locations all over the world Many long lists of Gravity Hills are reported on several Internet websites As more new roads are constructed and paved, more Gravity Hills are being discovered. More potential Gravity Hills are still unknown because there is no paved road on oceans, bays, lakes, rivers and in wilderness, deserts, farm fields, golf courses, etc.
Shrink-and-Grow Mystery in Several known Mystery Spots The relative heights of two persons change by two to three inches when they switch their standing positions a few feet apart on a “level” platform Such mystery has been demonstrated to and observed by many tourists for many years at several known Mystery Spots.
Shrink-and Grow Mystery in a Mystery Spot in North Carolina The relative heights of two persons change substantially when they switch their standing positions a few feet apart on a platform
Sample Video Demos of Shrink-and-Grow Mystery at Some Mystery Spots
Illusion Theory for Great Mysteries on Earth For many years, many people simply dismiss all these mysteries on earth as illusion in human perception The entrenched Illusion Theory asserts that Gravity is normal (with no horizontal component) in these Mystery Spots and on all those Gravity Hills All these mysteries are due to illusion in human perception (However, nobody dismiss those mysteries observed in astronomy as illusion in human perception)
Illusion Theory for Great Mysteries on Earth - 2 These observed mysteries and problems in astronomy and on earth violate the known laws of physics These observed problems and mysteries in astronomy are solved by assuming existence of dark matter But these problems and mysteries observed on earth are “solved” by many people by asserting that they are not real and are all due to illusion in human perception
I am challenging the entrenched Illusion Theory Results of my 23-year research: My collected 11 sets of evidences show that these mysteries on earth are real and are not illusion These mysteries on earth are due to existence of significant abnormal local gravity, especially significant horizontal component of gravity, at these special locations. Surprisingly, the existence of such strong abnormal local gravity at these Mystery Spots or Gravity Hills implies existence of high density dark matter at these special locations!
Type B Dark Matter with Extreme High Density But the dark matters at these special locations on earth are highly concentrated with extreme high density and are different from Type A low density dark matter in galaxy dark matter halo The density of dark matter at these special locations on earth is so high that the local gravity is strongly abnormal and manifests as Gravity Hill mystery and Mystery Spots The densities of our familiar ordinary matters on earth surface are too low and are not able to create such mysteries I refer to such high density dark matter on earth as Type B dark matter
Why am I doing such strange research on dark matter? The attention of thousands of scientists all over the world for many years is on Type A low density dark matter in galaxy dark matter halo But we collectively still do not know what dark matter is With 23 year research, my attention has been on Type B high density dark matter at the special locations of Gravity Hills and Mystery Spots on earth As an outsider with different experience, I am bringing in Out-of-Box thinking that may be helpful to unlock the secret of dark matter.
My 23-Year Research on the Great Mysteries on Earth My 23-year research found eleven (11) sets of independent evidences to show that: These mysteries on earth are NOT due to illusion in human perception These mysteries are real and are caused by existence of significant abnormal local gravity at these special locations The abnormal local gravity has significant horizontal component which is a prime contributor to many observed mysteries on earth
A Vehicle Rolling Up A Gravity Hill in Eastern Canada
We Cannot See The Bottom From Waiting Area
Asymmetric Pendulum as an Evidence against Illusion Theory Asymmetric behavior of pendulum has been observed in several Mystery Spots The pendulum swings asymmetrically from its equilibrium position The measurements in Oregon Vortex indicate that the difference in required forces to push the weight in the two opposite directions is about 20% Such experimental data indicate that the local gravity is abnormal and has a significant horizontal component This means Illusion Theory is wrong because Illusion Theory asserts that the gravity is normal in such area.
Strange Behavior of Land Survey Instrument in St Strange Behavior of Land Survey Instrument in St. Ignace, Michigan as another Evidence against Illusion Theory In early 1950s’, three surveyors discovered the Mystery Spot in St. Ignace, Michigan. They stumbled across an area of land where their surveying equipment did not seem to work properly. No matter how many times they tried to level their tripod, through the use of a plum-bob or bubble level, the plumb-bob would always be drawn far to the east, even as the bubble level was reading level
Adjustable Tripod and Hanging Plumb Bob for Leveling and Centering of Land Survey Instrument
Plumb Bob Hanging Down from Top of Tripod
Circular (Plate) Level and Tubular Level with Liquid Bubbles for Level Adjustment
Strange Behavior of Land Survey Instrument in St Strange Behavior of Land Survey Instrument in St. Ignace, Michigan as another Evidence against Illusion Theory The local gravity in that particular area is so abnormal that their land survey instrument could not be leveled properly. The abnormal local gravity has a significant horizontal component such that the gravity vector is not pointing vertically straight down, but is pointing at a significant slant angle. That is why the plumb-bob would always be drawn far to the east, while the bubble level on the top of the tripod is giving a "false" reading of level because of the effect of the horizontal component of the abnormal local gravity on the bubbles. This means Illusion Theory is wrong again
Detailed Description of Eleven Sets of Evidences against Illusion Theory are on my web page at
These Eleven Sets of Evidences indicate that: These mysteries on earth are NOT due to illusion in human perception These mysteries are real and are caused by existence of significant abnormal local gravity at these special locations The abnormal local gravity has significant horizontal component which is a prime contributor to many observed mysteries on earth
Next Challenge for My Research on Great Mysteries on Earth - 1 What is the source of the significant abnormal local gravity at those special locations?
Next Challenge for My Research on Great Mysteries on Earth - 2 Some friends suggested that the source may be some heavy metal ores under the ground at those special locations of mysteries Following such suggestion, my estimation and calculation indicate that the mass density of ordinary matter on or near earth surface is too low by at least three orders of magnitude and is not able to produce such mysteries
Characteristics of the Source of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity The physical size of the source is very small and compact in the order of feet Mass density in such compact source must be at least 1,000 times greater than that of ordinary matter on earth surface to be able to pull vehicles to roll up the Gravity Hills The source is NOT our familiar ordinary matter because ordinary matter on or near earth surface does not have such required extreme high mass density Nobody has ever seen or touched such strange compact source with such extreme high mass density even though huge number of people have toured hundred of Gravity Hills and several Mystery Spots for many years.
Characteristics of the Source of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity We cannot see it We cannot touch it It produces various strong gravity mysteries at hundreds of Gravity Hills and several Mystery Spots The source shrinks the space in its vicinity by several percent Mass density of the source is at least 1,000 times greater than that of ordinary matter on earth surface The source is NOT our familiar ordinary matter The source is very strange and unfamiliar matter Strong hint that the source is Type B high density Dark Matter
My Theory for High Density Dark Matter Producing Mystery Spots and Gravity Hills Details of my theory developed over several years are on my web page at:
My Theory for High Density Dark Matter Producing Mystery Spots and Gravity Hills The strange phenomena at Mystery Spots and Gravity Hills are caused by a fountain of very high density Type B dark matter The fountain of very high density dark matter is supported by two vertical narrow streams of high density dark matter trapped and oscillating in earth gravity well The location of such fountain of and narrow stream of very high density dark matter is anchored by gravity of heavy metal ore in that area
Current Popular Assumptions on Dark Matter in Science Community There are several proposed candidates for dark matter. The most popular candidate is WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle) All galaxies, including our Milky Way Galaxy, are embedded in a large halo of low density WIMPs The distribution of WIMPs in our earth is uniform The calculated results based on such model indicate that all deep underground laboratories any where on earth can detect lots of WIMPs
The Race to be the First to Detect Dark Matter Successfully Twelve or more deep and expensive underground laboratories at various parts of the world have been constructed and running for many years to try to detect dark matter They are mile deep underground to avoid interference from cosmic rays that may produce false signals The popular WIMP model and associated assumptions implies that all these deep underground laboratories should have detected lots of WIMPs
Status of Dark Matter Detection in Deep Underground Laboratories - 1 Ten or more deep underground laboratories at various locations in the world keep on coming up empty handed The deep underground laboratory in Italy claims Type A dark matters have been detected with a signature of repeatable annual modulation in detected signal The deep underground laboratory in Minnesota, USA, has also detected similar signal with annual modulation
Status of Dark Matter Detection in Deep Underground Laboratories - 2 But the team at Minnesota is not sure because of multiple detections in multiple detectors They know that low density Type A dark matter cannot produce multiple collisions in their detection system So the team in Minnesota thinks that what they have detected may be false signals
Serious Dilemma in Dark Matter Detection in Deep Underground Laboratories Claimed detection of Type A dark matter in Italy is NOT repeatable in all other ten or more deep underground laboratories Many scientists question the validity of the claim that dark matter has been detected in Italy Many scientists think what the laboratory in Italy has detected are false signals due to problems in detection systems.
Status of Many Experiments Trying to Detect Dark Matter – My Position The science community believes that the results of all experiments to detect Type A dark matter are negative so far With Out-of-Box thinking, I do not believe that all results are negative I believe that the two deep underground laboratories in Italy and Minnesota have detected Type B high density dark matter, but not Type A low density dark matter
What went wrong in these deep underground experiments? The negative results from ten or more deep underground laboratories indicate that the following two popular assumptions may be wrong: WIMP as a candidate for dark matter, and Uniform distribution of dark matter in the earth
Possible Problems - 1 The actual Type A dark matter particle may be heavier than the assumed WIMP by many orders of magnitude as proposed recently by scientists in Denmark Therefore, the density of Type A dark matter in galaxy halo may be lower than that of assumed WIMP model by many orders of magnitude The probability of detecting such super-heavy Type A dark matter particle in galaxy halo (including earth) may, therefore, be lower than that of WIMP model by many orders of magnitude
Possible Problems - 2 They may have to run those deep underground experiments for much longer time, several orders of magnitude longer than they expected to detect some super-heavy Type A dark matter particles This may be the reason that all those deep underground laboratories have not detected Type A dark matter.
But I Believe Type B High Density Dark Matters Have Been Detected in Italy and Minnesota -1 Density of Type B dark matter is extremely high so that the probability of detection is much higher if the detectors in Italy and Minnesota are lucky to be at the right locations to intercept the narrow stream of extremely high density Type B dark mater. Density of Type B dark matter is so high that multiple detections in multiple detectors are possible - Minnesota
But I Believe Type B High Density Dark Matters Have Been Detected in Italy and Minnesota -2 The analysis by Minnesota team shows that the detected data in Minnesota agree well with those from Italy if the dark matter particles are assumed to be streaming in certain direction. Such streaming of dark matter particles agrees with my theory of narrow streams of high density Type B dark matter trapped and oscillating in earth gravity well
How My Theory Can Help In Detection of Dark Matter On Earth - 1 My theory indicates that distribution of Type B dark matter in and on the earth is NOT uniform, but is highly concentrated in the fountain and the associated narrow streams of very high density dark matter at those special locations of Mystery Spots and Gravity Hills I believe that the two laboratories (in Italy and in Minnesota) have detected Type B dark matter because they are lucky to be at the right place to intercept the narrow stream of very high density dark matter
How My Theory Can Help In Detection of Dark Matter On Earth - 2 My theory indicates that two important signatures for the fountain and the narrow stream of very high density Type B dark matter are: Existence of strong abnormal local gravity near such fountain and narrow stream, and Shrinking of space by a few percent in the vicinity of the fountain and the narrow stream of very high density dark matter
How My Theory Can Help In Detection of Dark Matter On Earth -3 I have also described several methods to measure the significant abnormal local gravity Shrinking of space can be tested by Shrink-and-Grow Mysteries demonstration described in my Web Page (6) To verify detection of Type B dark matter, such measurements of significant abnormal local gravity and Shrink-and-Grow Mystery demonstration should be done at those two deep underground laboratories in Italy and in Minnesota
How My Theory Can Help In Detection of Dark Matter On Earth -4 If the measured results confirm existence of significant abnormal local gravity and shrinking of space in those two deep underground laboratories, they are confirmation and verification for successful direct detection of Type B high density dark matter in those two laboratories What they have detected are not false signals as asserted by many other scientists Validated successful direct detection of dark matter by human being for the first time is a major milestone and accomplishment in modern science.
Recommendation for Next Phase of More Advanced Dark Matter Experiments Next phase of more advanced dark matter experiments should be done at the right location(s) so that we do not keep on coming up empty handed Based on my theory, we know the locations of Type B very high density dark matter on earth at: Hundreds of known Gravity Hills Several known Mystery Spots Those two deep underground laboratories in Italy and in Minnesota
Next Phase of More Advanced Dark Matter Experiments Next Phase of more advanced dark matter experiments should be done at the right location(s) Then we have better chance to find out what Type B dark matter is
More detailed information on my 23-year research on this project are on my web pages at: