LESSON 649: QUIET TIME AND FAMILY DEVOTION MEMORY VERSE: “And in morning rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed” – Mark 1:35 TEXT: Genesis 19:27-29, 28:18-22, Exodus 34:2-10
INTRODUCTION Our previous study dealt with the Baptism of the Holy Ghost: The Holy Ghost equips us with power for effective divine service. Holy Ghost Baptism is meant for a purified heart. The initial evidence of this gift is speaking in an unlearned tongue [language]. The study of today touches two related points: Quiet Time: Personal Family Devotion: Collective The essence of Quiet Time and Family Devotion: It is time reserved for meditation in the word of God and prayer. It is necessary for fellowship with God and rapid spiritual growth. The morning is the best time because the mind is fresh and distractions are less. It should centre on the Word of God and worship, with an open mind and readiness to receive and obey. Select your passage systematically, few verses at a time and going from book to book, chapter to chapter; not randomly. Focus on understanding the text and applying it practically to your life. Read slowly and ask how it applies to you. Prayer is necessary to make the lessons stick, get needs met and touch others like family, brethren, church and sinners. For the Family Devotion, the father takes the lead and every member participates in reading, sharing and prayer.
Q1: Give two reasons believers need to observe Quiet Time and family devotion: Exodus 34:2 1 Peter 2:2
Q2: Why is the morning time best for Personal/Family Devotion? Psalm 88:13 Mark 1:35 Psalm 5:3
Q3: With what attitude should we study the Bible? Proverbs 13:13 Job 23:12 John 14:21
Q4: What are the major activities that constitute a rich Quiet Time? Daniel 6:10
Q5: Why is Family Devotion essential in the home? Deuteronomy 6:6-9, 11:18-21
Q6: What should be our aim as we constantly study our Bible during Quiet Time? Philippians 3:10
SUMMARY Quiet Time and Family Devotion are essential for spiritual growth. Set time apart in the morning for devotion for maximum benefit. The word of God should be the centre of your devotion: approach it with an open and ready mind and seek to receive God’s portion for the day from it. Make prayer an integral part of the devotion: personal prayer, prayer for others, for the work of God, for sinners and so on. As a family, apart from individual Quiet Time, have a participative Family Devotion. The family that prays together stays together.