OPAG-PWS Report of the Chair cbs-16@wmo.int
OPAG-Public Weather Services Three Expert Teams and one Task Team ET Services and Products Innovation and Improvement ET Meeting User Needs on Reducing the Impact of Hydrological Hazards ET Communications, Outreach and Public Education Task Team on Impact-Based Multi-Hazard Prediction and Communication Strong links to WMO Forum of Social and Economic Benefits of Meteorological Services cbs-16@wmo.int
TT-IMPACT TT was created at CBS-Ext (2014) in Paraguay Met in Feb 2015 – developed a plan to facilitate the implementation of projects to advance this concept New skill-sets will be required Training will need to encompass users and other stakeholders cbs-16@wmo.int
ET-DPM / TT-IMPACT Joint meeting in June 2016; agreed to merge Developed visual branding for ET-IMPACT Stressed the need to engage social sciences Acknowledged that the PWS Competency Framework may need to be reviewed Highlighted the need to build partnerships. cbs-16@wmo.int
ET-DPM / TT-IMPACT cbs-16@wmo.int
ET-SPII Discussed Big Data – especially crowd-sourced data. Propose a Task Team to study Big Data (TT-BD) Examined emerging science and technologies – especially GIS-compatible formats and mobile apps Worked to improve and augment the WWIS service Reviewed the need for public-private partnerships in the context of Public Weather Services cbs-16@wmo.int
ET-SPII Mr John Guiney stepping down as Chair Mr Will Lang taking over the position cbs-16@wmo.int
Social and Economic Benefits Studies Book launched at Cg-17 Three workshops held to promote concepts Representatives of 47 Members participated cbs-16@wmo.int
Competency Frameworks Approved at Cg-17 To be included as “Recommended Practices” in the 2017 update of Vol 1 of the Tech Regs Guidelines and related training materials need to be developed cbs-16@wmo.int
Structural Changes in OPAG-PWS Change of name to “OPAG on Public Weather Service Delivery” to reflect increased focus on SD Reducing the number of Expert Teams from 3 to 2 Increased focus on Task Teams with specific, time-bound objectives Competency Assessment, Communication, Service Delivery and Quality Management all key enablers of the work of the OPAG – and thus coordinated by the ICT cbs-16@wmo.int
Thank you 谢谢 cbs-16@wmo.int