Status report from PANDA Beijing Group


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Presentation transcript:

Status report from PANDA Beijing Group Zhen-An Liu Nov 28 2010

Production of CN 4 boards (V2) will be ready before X-mas 4 boards are in production Will be back next week Test will be made in a week Further production Based on test quality Can be planned as required

New design of CN New frame: XTCA CN Status IHEP is Original sponsor and Executive member of XTCA Extention to ATCA CN Based on ATCA carrier board, xTCA compliant, with one V4FX60 FPGA as switching FPGA 4 MTCA boards with one V5 FPGA, and 2/4G memory Status Carrier Board: Schematics finished MTCA Board: Layout undergoing, PCB design to be finished end of the year

Design of MTCA board

Design of MTCA board PCB layout