Science Starter #8 – 4/11/17 Identify one similarity and one difference between primary and secondary succession TAKE OUT SUCCESSION COMIC STAMPED
Notes 11.6 – The Bad: Human Issues and Impacts
Issue: Invasive Species CAUSE: Non native species is introduced into an ecosystem
Issue: Invasive Species IMPACT: Affect biodiversity of native species Have no natural predators Causes food web to go out of balance
Issue: Invasive Species POSSILE SOLUTIONS: Clean boats when moving to new location Clean all camping gear Do not bring in food from other countries Limit use of non-native species
ISSUE: Biomagnification
ISSUE: Biomagnification CAUSE: Bioaccumulation: pollutant enters the organism and builds up within the individual over time Biomagnification: concentration of pollutant increases as you move up the food chain
ISSUE: Biomagnification IMPACT: Species can eventually go extinct Infants/unborn babies: affects developing nervous system Children/adults: affects brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, & immune system
ISSUE: Biomagnification POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: Banning of toxic pollutants (worst ones have already been banned, like DDT) Regulate or even eliminate processes that create toxins (ex. Burning Coal)
ISSUE: Climate Change
ISSUE: Climate Change CAUSE: Greenhouse Effect: the ability to trap heat keeps our planet warm and habitable Combustion of fossil fuels releases excess carbon CO2 and other greenhouse gases trap heat
ISSUE: Climate Change IMPACT: Global temperature to rise about 4o C by 2100 Rise in sea levels Changes in weather and climate patterns affecting agriculture Affects amphibian/reptile development
ISSUE: Climate Change POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: Eliminate the burning of fossil fuels Carpool or use public transportation Wind Power, Solar Power, Hydropower, other alternative energy sources
ISSUE: Ozone Thinning
ISSUE: Ozone Thinning CAUSE: CFC’s from refrigerators, plastic manufacturing break down the ozone Ozone Hole started in the Southern Hemisphere but increases in size over time
ISSUE: Ozone Thinning IMPACT: Increased UV radiation leads to skin cancer because atmosphere blocks UV radiation
POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: ISSUE: Ozone Thinning Ban CFCs and other pollutants
ISSUE: Acid Rain
ISSUE: Acid Rain CAUSE: Burning of coal and fossil fuels releases pollutants into the atmosphere Water vapor condenses around the pollutant particles to form acidic water (acid rain) Some bodies of water can buffer/resist the effects of acid rain
ISSUE: Acid Rain IMPACT: Disease and death of trees, fish, and other organisms Degradation of stone
ISSUE: Acid Rain POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: Reduce/eliminate use of fossil fuels! Be sustainable! Sustainable: able to maintain needs at a reasonable rate Watch your ecological (carbon) footprint How much do your actions affect the environment?
ISSUE: Ocean Pollution
ISSUE: Ocean Pollution CAUSE: Plastic pollution on land is carried out to sea by wind and rain We're surrounded by plastic. Think about every piece you touch in a single day: grocery bags, food containers, coffee cup lids, drink bottles, straws for juice boxes — the list goes on and on. Plastic may be convenient, but its success carries a steep price. Every single piece of plastic every made still exists today!
ISSUE: Ocean Pollution IMPACT: Entanglement: organisms become twisted in or caught in plastics Ingestion: organisms eat plastics Rafting Organisms: barnacles, sea anemones, and other “rafters” make their home on plastics.
ISSUE: Ocean Pollution Possible Solutions USE LESS PLASTIC!!! Use biodegradable products Watch where you throw away/recycle your plastics
Ecosystem Destruction Extinction: the death of every member of a species Habitat destruction: river damming, logging, invasive species Hunting/harvesting: overfishing, poaching
The Good: ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Ch. 22-3 pp 444 - 452
HUMAN RESOURCE USE Ecological (carbon) footprint: amount of land and sea required to supply the resources to fit your lifestyle needs Calculate your own: Sustainability: the ability to meet human needs In 2007 humanity’s total ecological footprint was ~1.5 earth’s
Pollution Release of environmental contaminants Types: Land, water, air, noise, light
FIELDS OF STUDY Conservation biology: identify, protect, and maintain natural areas at risk Restoration biology: rebuild the damaged ecosystems Use bioindicators (indicator species): species especially sensitive to environmental changes; used as early warning signals of environmental problems Mussels as bioindicators: can measure population as well as toxins
PROTECTING ECOSYSTEMS Biodiversity Hotspots: regions with the highest diversity that are most in danger
U.S. signs debt-for-nature swap with Indonesia GOVERNMENT LAWS Debt-for-Nature Swap: richer countries or private companies pay smaller/poorer countries for conservation of undeveloped land or education programs U.S. signs debt-for-nature swap with Indonesia
PRIVATE EFFORTS Ecotourism: People pay for nature guides, food, and lodging in exchange for opportunity to experience the ecosystem