Classroom Expectations Introduction to Biology/IPC Modified Resource Class Coach D. Allen Rm B211 1
Student Behaviors Be prompt Be prepared Be ready to learn when class begins. Be prepared Have materials with you and know due dates. Be a polite and positive participant Speak in a normal tone of voice, and listen attentively. Be productive Turn in work on time, and always do your best. Be a problem solver Correct problems quickly and peacefully before they escalate. 2
Show Respect Value yourself. Be honest and ethical, and practice strong moral values. Treat all members of the school community,our class, and all visitors with politeness and respect. Honor the ideas and opinions of others. Offer to help. Be responsible with property and belongings. 3
Responsibility for Coursework Bring notebook, textbook, planner, and appropriate writing tools to class. Know due dates, and submit all coursework on time. Participation is a big part of your grade in this class. 4
Promote Lifelong Learning You can develop lifelong learning traits: By showing curiosity about human nature and how the world works. By seeking and valuing diversity. By persisting in seeking out new solutions. By using your unique talents and intelligence to promote positive change. By learning and applying technology tools to solve problems. 5
Policies All students are expected to adhere to all school polices first…i.e. dress codes etc. Classroom expectations will be developed, adopted, and followed by all students There will be no eating or drinking in class unless authorized by teacher. No cell phone or technology device use once teacher has begun instructional part of lesson unless authorized by the teacher. This goes for after the lesson as well. 6
Grading Grades are based on the accumulation of points. Points are based on: Class participation (effort) Completion of assignments (daily work) Major projects, exams, and self-reflection Our Grading Scale 90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C Below 70% = F Grades are calculated on cumulative percentage and are rounded up whenever possible. 7
My Pledge to Students I will trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise. I will respect you and work with you to solve problems. I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work. I will work with you to meet learning goals. I will offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them.
Classroom Greeter The student that is appointed by teacher for each week who exhibits good classroom behavior. Responsible for greeting each adult that enters class. The greeter and only the greeter is to open the door. If greeter is gone?
Classroom Procedures When entering the classroom… Walk in orderly quiet and ready to work. Read the board and see what todays instructions pertain and find your assigned seat.( Can be changed by teacher at any time if student is disruptive in chosen seat). When getting a calculator… Each student responsible for returning that calculator back to the teacher in the working order it was given.
Classroom Procedures If you are tardy and the door is locked… do not bang on the door. Knock or wave to the greeter to let you in. Walk in quietly, obtain your supplies and get to work. Try not to disrupt others. You are tardy if the bell has rung and I have closed my door. After 15 min you are considered absent. There will be no leaving the classroom with in the 1st 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of class.
Classroom Procedures Responding to questions…at times I will ask you to raise your hands and at others a coral response is ok… Pay attention! If you do not understand a lesson or concept please let me know. Working in groups is a privilege that can be lost. Classroom notebook… you are required to bring a notebook specifically for this class. It will be stored in my class in a box at the front of the class.
Classroom Procedures Student work… is to be turned into your specific class room file. If you need to… Sharpen pencil, tissues, late work, calculator ect. Only two people are allowed up in the back at a time.
Classroom Procedures Only one person is allowed out at a time for the bathroom. Extra restroom passes can be earned throughout the semester. Get a drink of water and use restroom before class during your lunch time. Tutorial Process.
Classroom Procedures Fire Drill Library/ Computer Lab Assemblies
What to bring to Class… Pen or pencil Your willingness to learn!!!!!!! If you are not willing to learn a particular day, do not interrupt others learning. Just put your head down but remember your grade will reflect your attitude and effort.