by Swamynathan.S.M AP/ECE/SNSCT PERFORMANCE MEASURES by Swamynathan.S.M AP/ECE/SNSCT 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Performance Measures (PM) The sixth and final concept of Total Quality Management It plays an important part in the overall success or failure of a business organization. Performance measures quantitatively tell us something important about our products, services, and the processes that produce them. They are a tool to help us understand, manage, and improve what our organizations do. 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures Performance measures let us know: how well we are doing if we are meeting our goals if our customers are satisfied if our processes are in statistical control if and where improvements are necessary. 1 2 3 4 5 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures As a process, performance measurement is not simply concerned with collecting data associated with a predefined performance goal or standard. Performance measurement is better thought of as an overall management system involving prevention and detection aimed at achieving conformance of the work product or service to your customer's requirements. Additionally, it is concerned with process optimization through increased efficiency and effectiveness of the process or product. These actions occur in a continuous cycle, allowing options for expansion and improvement of the work process or product as better techniques are discovered and implemented. 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures Number gives a magnitude (how much) Unit gives the number a meaning (what) Production activities uses measures such as defects per million, inventory turns, and on time delivery. Service activities uses measures such as billing errors, sales per square feet, engineering changes, and activity time. 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures “Managing a business organization without performance measures is like a captain of a ship navigating in the middle of the ocean without any instrumentation. The captain of would most likely end up travelling circle without a port of destination, as would a business organization.” 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Essential Elements of Performance Measures (by Ray F. Boedecker) 1. Objectives 2. Typical measurement 3. Criteria 4. Characteristics 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures Objectives Performance measurements as used to achieve one or more of the following six objectives: Establish baseline measures and reveal trends Determine which processes need to be improved Indicate process gains and losses Compare goals with actual performance provide information for individual and team evaluation Manage by fact rather than gut felling 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures Typical Measurement - What should be measured is frequently asked by managers and teams. Human resources Customers Production Research development Suppliers Marketing/Sales Administration 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures Criteria All business organizations have some measurements in place that can be adopted for TQM. In order to evaluate the existing measures or add new ones, there are seven criteria to be followed: Simple Few in number 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures Developed by users Relevance to customer Improvement Cost Visible 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures Characteristics - One of the seven basic characteristics is used to measure the performance of a particular process or function. Quantity – most common measures; refers to how many units a production or business produces Cost – amount of resources required to produce a given output c. Time 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures d. Accuracy – number of non-conformances in the output e. Function f. Aesthetics – how the product looks, feels, sounds, tastes, or smells and is quite subjective g. Service – service activity 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Why do we need to measure? 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Why do we need to measure? Control: - Measurements help to reduce variation Self-Assessment: - Measurements can be used to assess how well a process is doing, including improvements that have been made Continuous Improvement: - Measurements can be used to identify defect sources, process trends, and defect prevention, and to determine process efficiency and effectiveness, as well as opportunities for improvement Management Assessment: - Without measurements there is no way to be certain we are meeting value-added objectives or that we are being effective and efficient 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures The basic concept of performance measurement involves: planning and meeting established operating goals/standards; (b) detecting deviations from planned levels of performance; and (c) restoring performance to the planned levels or achieving new levels of performance. 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Benefits of Measurement To identify whether the company is meeting customer requirements. How do we know that we are providing the services/products that our customers require? To help us understand the company’s processes. To confirm what we know or reveal what we don‘t know. Do we know where the problems are? 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures To ensure decisions are based on fact, not on emotion. Are our decisions based upon well documented facts and figures or on intuition and gut feelings? To show where improvements need to be made. Where can we do better? How can we improve? To show if improvements actually happened. Do we have a clear picture? 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures To reveal problems that bias, emotion, and longevity cover up. If we have been doing our job for a long time without measurements, we might assume incorrectly that things are going well. (They may or may not be, but without measurements there is no way to tell.) To identify whether suppliers are meeting the company’s requirements. Do our suppliers know if our requirements are being met? 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) It is an award that recognizes organizations in business, health care, education, and non-profit sectors for excellence in performance. The award promotes awareness of performance excellence as an increasingly important element in competitiveness and information sharing of successful performance strategies and the benefits derived from using these strategies. 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures The Baldrige National Quality Program and the associated award were established after President Reagan signed into law the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Improvement Act of 1987 (Public Law 100-107) The program and award were named for Malcolm Baldrige who served as United States Secretary of Commerce during the Reagan Administration from 1981 up to his death in 1987 in a rodeo accident. 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures The Award is the only formal recognition for the performance excellence of U.S. organizations given by the President of the United States. Another is the Ron Brown Award for Corporate Leadership that recognize companies "for the exemplary quality of their relationships with employees and communities". It is presented to companies that "have demonstrated a deep commitment to innovative initiatives that not only empower employees and communities but also advance strategic business interests". 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Baldrige Criteria 2. Strategic Planning 3. Customer Focus 4. Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge management 5. Work-force Focus 6. Process Manage-ment 7. Results 1. Leader-ship Baldrige Criteria 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures 1. Leadership (120pts) Examines HOW your organization’s senior leaders’ personal actions guide and sustain your organization’s governance system and HOW your organization fulfils its legal, ethical, and societal responsibilities and supports its KEY communities. 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
2. Strategic Planning (85 pts) Examines HOW your organization develops strategic objectives and action plans. Also, it examines HOW your chosen strategic objectives and action plans are deployed and changed if circumstances require, and HOW progress is measured. 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures 3. Customer Focus (85 pts) Examines HOW your organization engages its customer for long-term marketplace success. This engagement strategy includes how your organization builds a customer-focused culture. Also, it examines is how your organization listens to the voice of its customer and uses this information to improve and identify opportunities for innovation. 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
4. Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management (90 pts) Examines how your organization selects, gathers, analyzes, manages, and improves its data, information, and knowledge, assets, and how it manages its information technology. This also includes the examination of how your organization reviews and uses reviews to improve its performance. 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures 5. Workforce Focus (85 pts) Examines how your organization engages, manages, and develops your workforce to utilize its full potential in alignment with your organization’s overall mission, strategy, and action plans. The category examines your ability to assess workforce capability and capacity needs and to build a workforce environment conducive to high performance. 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
6. Process Management (85 pts) Examines how your organization designs its work systems and how it designs, manages, and improves its key processes fro implementing those work systems to deliver customer value and achieve organizational success and sustainability. Also examine your readiness for emergencies. 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures 7. Results (450 pts) Examines how your organization’s performance and improvement in all key areas – product outcomes, customer-focused outcomes, financial and market outcomes, workforce-focused outcomes, process effectiveness outcomes, and leadership outcomes. Performance levels are examined relative to those of competitors and other organizations with similar product offerings. 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures
Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures Thank you & Query 5/9/2018 Swamynathan.S.M/TQM/UNIT4/Performance Measures