Alderston Broiler ALEX JH1C DJ Broiler x Q Impuls x Paramount EPTA August 2015 Production Traits PLI £286 Milk 152kg Fat 5.3kg -0.04% Ptn 10.4kg +0.09% Rel 43% Management Traits Fert Index +0.2 Lifespan +0.2 SCC -10 DOB – 09/03/2014 HBN – 04560438601469 AI Code – J2415 SIRE: Danish DJ Broiler JH1F DAM: Alderston Impuls Flower EX94(4) G DAM: Alderston Paramount Flower VG85 Lact Age Milk Days Fat % Ptn % PI 1 2/00 6,506 305 4.66 4.07 103 2 3/00 8,091 4.76 3.88 118 3 4/01 9,403 4.81 3.89 122 4 5/06 10,256 4.21 3.78 112 5 6/07 10,638 5.16 3.99 126 6 7/07 10,979 4.49 3.69 Alderston Impuls Flower, dam of Alderston Broiler Alex Lact. Age Milk Days Fat % Ptn % PI 1 1/11 6,285 305 4.88 3.74 98 2 3/00 7,068 4.93 3.86 100 Sire Analysts Notes... Alderston Impuls Flower is the best cow in the 260 cows Alderston herd in Scotland. She is classified EX94 and has given over 10,000kg in her last three lactations. Impuls Flower is also the dam of Alderston Hovborg Flower VG88 that has just completed her third lactation having given 8,773kg in 305 days at 5.04% fat and 3.74% protein. Alex has an impressive sire stack and his sire, DJ Broiler, has been the top selling bull in the Jersey breed in the past two years with more registered progeny than any other sire. Broiler has more than 100 milking daughters in UK herds and he combines high fat and protein production with low cell counts and an excellent type proof at +1.8 Type Merit and +1.7 Mammary.