HTML, XHTML, and the World Wide Web
Network Network is a system that transmits any combination of voice, video and/or data between users. Client/server network is a network with a file server. A file server acts as the central storage location. A network without a file server is a peer-to-peer network. All of the computers are equal.
The Internet Internet is a world wide collection of computer networks Intranet is a private network, usually unconnected to outside institutional boundaries and restricted access. Extranet is a restricted access network but use the internet to provide service to members In the beginning HTML and the Web browser
Talking the Internet Talk Internet Protocols are the rules that establish the transfer of data between sender and receiver. Client, Server, and Browsers The flow of the information Standards organizations W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Internet Engineering Task Force
HTML & XHTML: What they are Document-layout and hyperlink specification HTML was based on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) XML is a separate markup language based on SGML HTML is not compliant with XML XHTML is an offspring of HTML that is compliant with XML
HTML and XHTML: What they aren’t Not word processing tools or programming language Purpose: Defines structure & appearance Content versus Appearance
Standards and Extensions HTML standards define the basic syntax and semantics of HTML Browsers use the standards to build their software Web Designers use the standards to make sure they are writing effective and correct documents Nonstandard Extension Extensions: Pro and Con
Tools for the Web Designer Essentials – Simple editor, and browser Word Processor or WYSIWYG editor (What you see is what you get) Browser Software