School Director of Postgraduate Research Induction Professor Huajiang Ouyang
Induction Research Supervisors Time Management Training Assessment Examination Suspension and Extension Advice and Complaints
Research What is research? Experimental data and numerical data Research issues Literature survey Standard of PhD projects Publications (aim: 1 journal + 2 conference papers) Plagiarism Intellectual rights belong to UoL unless otherwise stated (UoL shares any reasonable profit with students) Papers published after graduation based on work done During PhD need to credit UoL and supervisor properly
Supervision 1st supervisor in charge Role of 2nd supervisor Regular meetings (weekly?) with 1st supervisor At least 3 meetings a year with 2nd supervisor Form good working relationship with supervisors Entitlement to regular meetings and advice 12 supervisor meetings recorded in Liverpool Life a year keep supervisors informed of progress/development Completion of APRs (in Liverpool Life) by June For daily non-technical matters, contact Jack in the PG Office
Time Management and Engagement Come to ‘work’ during 9 am – 5 pm Hearts and minds on projects Holiday entitlement Non-engagement in a timely manner create difficult situations Aim: Submission pending by the end of Year 3 Submit thesis before the end of Year 4 for full-timers and before the end of Year 6 for part-timers
Training Development Need Analysis (DNA) with supervisors School Training – 30 points over 3 years (see handbook for full details). Liverpool Doctoral College (LDC) Must attend a workshop before doing any teaching or lab demonstration Other courses not part of LDC: English language, thesis writing
Assessment Year 1: Years 2 – 4: 3-month Research Plan and DNA after starting PhD APR by the end of June in Liverpool Life Written report of 25 pages, submitted by Month 9 Oral exam ‘mini viva’ in months 9/10 with 2 independent assessors Years 2 – 4: Oral Presentation at PGR Conference in June/July APR by the end of June in Liverpool Life Written report of 25 pages submitted in May
Examination Internal and external examiners recommended by supervisors Outcomes: - Accept as is - Minor modifications - Major modifications resubmission/viva (fees) - Downgrade to MPhil - No award Students are entitled to advice on thesis writing and a mock viva from supervisors
Suspension and Extension Only extenuating circumstances considered Applications must be made in good time and backed by credible evidence Circumstances must be overcome when back No access to research facilities during suspension Fee must be paid during extension Overseas students will normally be required to leave UK during suspension and reapply for visa when ready to return Students experiencing serious difficulties must inform supervisors and Are encouraged to inform School PG office of their problems for advice
Advice and Complaint Advice and Support: First from PG Office (Jack) on general matters 2nd supervisor on supervision and research Contact SDPR in the end Student-staff Liaison Committee (2/3 per academic year) Complaint: Speak directly to 1st supervisor If not appropriate, contact 2nd supervisor Contact Jack/SDPR As a last resort, contact the PGR Student Team
Equality and Opportunity Support to female students on pregnancy and maternity: seek advice from supervisors and PG Office LivWiSE is a group of students and colleagues that actively promotes participation of women In Science and Engineering. Can contact Dr Kate Black ( for more information. LivWiSE website:
Thank You I wish you all success! School of Engineering website: PGR Student team website: