The mission of the Tri-Institutional MD-PhD Program is to educate and train physician-scientists, who are prepared to bridge the gap between laboratory research and clinical medicine and thereby contribute toward improving health and enhancing the quality of life by reducing disability and death from disease. The Training Program
2 Yrs WCMC 3.5 - 4.5 Yrs RU, SKI, or WCMC 1.5 Yrs WCMC Medical School I Basic Science Curriculum, MD-PhD-specific Graduate Courses, Laboratory Rotations, Clinical Clerkships, Pathology Elective 2 Yrs WCMC 3.5 - 4.5 Yrs RU, SKI, or WCMC Graduate School Advanced Graduate Course Work, Thesis Research, Longitudinal Clinic and Clinical Electives Medical School II Complete Clinical Clerkship Training, Research and Clinical Electives 1.5 Yrs WCMC
(Guided by the RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE) MEDICAL SCHOOL I (Guided by the RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE) Medical College Basic Science Courses Careers in Biomedicine Discussion Series 2 - 4 Research Rotations (in different laboratories, in at least 2 different institutions) Frontiers in Biomedical Science I Critical Reading of Scientific Literature Frontiers in Biomedical Science II Introduction to Molecular Medicine Introduction to Clinical and Translational Research Tri-Institutional Research Lunches USMLE step 1, Clinical Clerkships, Pathology Elective
MEDICAL SCHOOL I (for MD-PhD students) Different combinations of six- and eight-week clerkships and a Pathology elective
(Guided by the CAREER COUNSELING COMMITTEE) GRADUATE SCHOOL (Guided by the CAREER COUNSELING COMMITTEE) Three graduate schools: GSK, RU and WCGS, Comparable graduate school requirements Modest course requirements (usually advanced courses only) Thesis lab Chosen by September of Year 3 Qualifying exam (Thesis proposal) by October of Year 4 Teaching opportunities (elective) Clinical activities (Longitudinal Clinic, Case Discussion Rounds) Thesis defense by December of Year 6 Tri-Institutional housing First four years at WCMC; RU, SKI and WCMC share responsibility for the rest How does this work – organization! The curriculum acknowledges that what you learn in one part of your training will be valuable also in other parts of your training Research supplement: $1,500/year Stipend supplement: $5,000/year (for students who apply for, and receive, their own fellowship)
(Guided by the CAREER COUNSELING COMMITTEE) MEDICAL SCHOOL II (Guided by the CAREER COUNSELING COMMITTEE) Remaining Third Year Clinical Clerkships (Clinical Studies in Inpatient and Outpatient Settings) USMLE step 2 Residency Interviews Research and Clinical Electives
Required Clerkships Tertiary-Care Hospitals Community Hospitals City Hospitals In- & Out-Patient Settings
☺ Course of Study (Seven-Year Plan) Course of Study (7 Year Plan) Bootcamp to provide you with survival skills for the residency, including the problems you face when your patient is dying Graduation ☺