US Foreign Policy Ch 19
Topics History Governmental Structures Current Issues
Goals in FP Trade: promoting and/or regulating Defense: National Security Promoting environment, human rights, good relations, cultural exchanges.
America’s International Relations History 1800s: Small country expanding its influence 1900s: US becomes a world power Post-WWII: The UN and the Cold War: US is a superpower Post-Cold War: What are our goals?
1800s Beginnings: Isolationism 1820s: Monroe Doctrine Manifest Destiny and Expansion War with Mexico 1846-48 Oregon Treaty 1846
1900s: US becomes a world power The “new” Imperialism Spanish-American war and follow-up war in the Philippines Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine Panama Canal
US becomes a world power World War I US stays out 1914-1917 Joins 1917 Ends Nov, 1918 Versailles Treaty Wilson hopes for collective security through League of Nations 1920s and 30s: trend toward isolationism World War II What countries are on what side?
Axis vs. Allies Japan Italy Germany UK USSR US France China
Post WWII Internationalism Free trade promoted in international organizations: Bretton Woods System GATT IMF World Bank,,pagePK:50004410~piPK:36602~theSitePK:29708,00.html United Nations
United Nations: Purposes: Preamble Structures General Assembly Secretary General Security Council: Purposes Who has power in it? Economic and Social Council International Court of Justice Limitations of UN
UN Security Council 15 countries 5 permanent countries with veto power: US UK China USSR France
UN US Ambassador to the UN :Susan Rice
Cold War 1946-1991 US and allies vs. USSR and allies Ideological rivalry Communism vs. Democracy and capitalism No direct war Lots of proxy wars Competition for influence and dominance around the world Arms race Space race
Cold War terms and policies Containment NATO and Warsaw Pact Fighting the Cold War is the backbone of US Foreign Policy 1945-1991
Cold War Korean and Vietnam Wars Nuclear Deterrence and MAD Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 Détente Nixon in China 1970s Human Rights as a goal UN Human Rights Declaration Cold War ends 1989, 1991
New Goals? Human Rights as a goal Internationalism/Multilateralism Combating terrorism Environment Nukes: Which countries have them? NPT Spreading Democracy Globalization
Who makes foreign policy? Checks and balances in duties of branches of gov’t Industry Media Public
The Executive Branch is #1 in foreign and military policy The President Access to and control of information Commander in Chief of the military Departments of State, Defense, Homeland Security
Department of State: Foreign policy negotiations Embassies Economic Development
Department of Defense Robert Gates Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines Joint Chiefs CIA National Security Council: advises the president
Department of Homeland Security Cabinet department created after the 9/11 attacks for domestic U.S. security Janet Napolitano
Congress’s role in FP Oversight: hearings Appointments: hearings Appropriations: $$ Treaties Declaration of war Pass laws dealing with Foreign Policy
Declaration of War: power shift from Congress to President Since WWII: Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Afghanistan, Iraq. How? Congressional Resolutions and President using power as Commander in Chief War Powers Act, 1973 Pres can deploy Congress must approve after or troops must return Not very effective
The Military Industrial Complex The relationship and influence of U.S. armed forces Defense industries on Government Mostly about: $$: Defense contracts
The News Media Reporting and investigation Agenda setting Influencing public opinion
The Public Generally more interest in domestic over foreign affairs Influences FP through Elections Widespread resistance or protests Polls Work in nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) such as Amnesty International
Middle East map
Middle East World War I impacts World War II impacts Cold War impacts Britain and France in the region World War II impacts Israel Cold War impacts Conflicts seen through “cold war glasses” Iran’s Shah is overthrown Islamic revolution Americans taken hostage
Middle East Iran-Iraq war Gulf War, 1991 US tries to find a friend in the region: Saddam Hussein Gulf War, 1991 Reasons Iraq took over Kuwait Results
Afghanistan The Soviet Union’s “Vietnam” Results map:
9/11 What were the motives behind the attacks? Who was responsible? Why did the US go to war with Afghanistan afterwards? Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden The Taliban The War on Terrorism
War in Iraq Reasons for war? US attempted to get UN Security Council’s OK Congressional vote to allow the use of force US attacks in March, 2003 Bush Doctrine: preemptive strike
Countries Read classmates’ reports on countries
If no student reports, read NY Times topics pages on China Russia North Korea Iran Iraq Pakistan Afghanistan Al Qaeda Taliban Yemen Israel Palestinians