What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 Jesus Christ, Son of God What is Eternal Life? What is Believing? Who is the Holy Spirit? The Importance of the Resurrection
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 Jesus Christ, Son of God John chose eight signs (miracles) to prove Jesus is the Son of God. John 2:1-11 – Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding, which became an important turning point for the disciples.
John 2:11 (NASB) 11 This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 Jesus Christ, Son of God John chose eight signs (miracles) to prove Jesus is the Son of God. John 2:1-11 – Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding, which became an important turning point for the disciples. John 4:46-54 – Jesus healed the official’s son, demonstrating His power over sickness and that salvation is for all people.
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 Jesus Christ, Son of God John chose eight signs (miracles) to prove Jesus is the Son of God. John 5:1-15 – Jesus healed the invalid by the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath, calling God His Father.
John 5:18 (NASB) 18 For this reason therefore the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because He not only was breaking the Sabbath, but also was calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God.
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 Jesus Christ, Son of God John chose eight signs (miracles) to prove Jesus is the Son of God. John 5:1-15 – Jesus healed the invalid by the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath, calling God His Father. John 6:5-14 – Jesus fed the five thousand!
John 6:14 (NASB) 14 Therefore when the people saw the sign which He had performed, they said, “This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world.”
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 Jesus Christ, Son of God John chose eight signs (miracles) to prove Jesus is the Son of God. John 5:1-15 – Jesus healed the invalid by the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath, calling God His Father. John 6:5-14 – Jesus fed the five thousand! John 6:16-21 – Jesus walked on water, displaying power over nature, and all of the disciples, as fishermen, understood this power.
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 Jesus Christ, Son of God John chose eight signs (miracles) to prove Jesus is the Son of God. John 9:1-41 – Jesus healed a man who was blind from birth to teach the sovereignty of God in all things. John 11:1-44 – Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead to show He has power over death. John 20:1-29 – Jesus showed that He not only had power over death but that He conquered death in the resurrection.
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 Jesus Christ, Son of God John also underscored Jesus’ deity through the titles given to Him. The Word The One and Only Lamb of God Son of God True Bread, the Life, the Resurrection, the Vine
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 Jesus Christ, Son of God The phrase “I am” is attached to the following for emphasis. “I am the bread of life” (6:35) “I am the light of the world” (8:12; 9:5) “I am the gate” (10:7) “I am the good shepherd” (10: 11,14) “I am the resurrection and the life” (11:25) “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (14:6) “I am the true vine” (15:1)
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 Jesus Christ, Son of God What does this mean for us? The person and work of Jesus are at the core of our belief and give us hope for forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus is fully God and fully man, a truth we cannot comprehend. The facts are that Jesus is the incarnate Word, living as one of us and dying for us.
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 Jesus Christ, Son of God What does this mean for us? Because Jesus is God, He has the nature, ability, and right to offer eternal life. Jesus became a man so He could fully identify with us, enduring temptation, persecution, hardship, and suffering. God demonstrated His great love for us in the incarnation.
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 What is Eternal Life? Jesus came to bring us eternal life. This life begins now on this earth. This life continues in heaven after death. John’s Gospel emphasizes both the quantitative and qualitative meaning of eternal life.
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 What is Eternal Life? What does this mean for us? Eternal life offers hope in all of our sufferings, struggles, and hardships in this world. Assurance of eternal life gives meaning and purpose in our daily life. Eternal life begins NOW!
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 What is Believing? Belief in Jesus as Messiah and Son of God is a main theme of the Gospel of John. Belief is a response to the drawing and calling of God in our hearts. Belief is beyond mental assent to the facts. Belief is faith and trust in the one who provides our salvation. Those who truly believe turn from sin and obey the teachings of Jesus.
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 What is Believing? What does this mean for us? Believing is active. Believing is a living and continuous trust in Jesus as God and Savior. Believing is a total commitment to Jesus. Believing is moving from the mental assent to the heart and makes Jesus not only Savior but Lord.
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 Who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is our Paraclete given by Jesus to empower us and guide us on this earth as believers. The Spirit came upon Jesus at His baptism. The Holy Spirit is the gift Jesus gives to all believers as He exited for heaven. The Holy Spirit teaches us and guides us. The Holy Spirit bears witness to Jesus.
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 Who is the Holy Spirit? What does this mean for us? God sent the Holy Spirit into the world to draw people unto Himself. He guides believers in all truth. He gives us the power to live the Christian life. He convicts us of sin and unrighteousness.
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 The Importance of the Resurrection The greatest sign of Jesus’ divinity Jesus really died. Jesus’ death was not the end of the story. The resurrection is proof that Jesus is who He said He is and that His sacrifice for our sin is valid.
What’s the Big Idea? John 21:24-25 The Importance of the Resurrection What does this mean for us? Truth – Jesus’ rising from the dead proves that He is God. Hope – Jesus’ resurrection gives us hope for our resurrection. The resurrection gives us confidence as believers.