Chapter 7 Sabato Chapter 11 Wilson AP US Government and Politics Congress Chapter 7 Sabato Chapter 11 Wilson AP US Government and Politics
Constitutional Requirements Great Compromise & Article I Bicameral Legislature HOR-Revenue Raising Bills House and Senate Age Residency Requirements Citizenship Terms Mode of Election
Apportionment—HOR What does it mean? When it is Constitutionally mandated to count the population Ratio of Representatives/Population at the founding and present-day Founding—65 members 1910—435 members 1959—437 members 1963—435 members Wesberry v. Sanders (1964) [Malapportionment] Was GA apportionment law in violation of the EPC of the 14th Amendment? Baker v. Carr (1962)
Redistricting Relationship btw apportionment and redistricting Who is responsible for redistricting? Types of Districts Multi-member Single-member (1842) At-Large Odd year elections
Gerrymandering What is it? Effects: Protects incumbents Strengthens majority party; weakens opposition party Weakens minor parties Can increase to decrease minority representation Majority-minority Districts—racial gerrymandering Shaw v. Reno (1993) [5-4] Background Constitutional Basis Ruling Court Classification and Test Race can be a factor in drawing state lines Substantive v. descriptive representation Guidelines to Draw Congressional District Lines
NC’s 12th Congressional District
NC’s Congressional District Lines
REMOVAL OF GOVERNMENTAL OFFICIERS Article I, Sec. 2 & 3 AND Article 2, Sec. 4 Form of Congressional Oversight Who can be impeached and removed? Process HOR Senate 3. Presidential Impeachment Chief Justice presides over trial
Effects of Trial and Removal May not hold another governmental office Can face criminal trial and punishment under the law
Incumbency Advantages Name Recognition Media Utilization Taking Credit Franking Privilege Fundraising and Campaign Finance Laws Experience Knowledge Gerrymandering Sophomore Surge, Marginal Districts and Safe District
Effects of Incumbency Advantage Policy and Leadership Continuity Encourage Growth of Interest Groups No incentive to change Campaign Finance Laws
Staff Agencies Congressional Research Service (Library of Congress) Summaries of Bills Non-partisan in Nature
Staff Agencies Government Accounting Office Government Standards for Accounting Legal Opinions Settle Claims Against Government Conducts Studies CNN: Defense Department Head of the GAO: David Walker
Staff Agencies Congressional Budget Office Analyze OMB and President’s Budget Make Economic Projections Non-Partisan Utilized in Congressional Hearings
Congressional Oversight Executive Bureaucracy General Mandate and Discretionary Authority Congressional Hearing and Policy Agenda Legislative Veto (Congressional Review) GAO CBO Reduce or eliminate Department, Office, Agency by law Confirmation of Executive Heads Power of the Purse a. Appropriations b. Budget Committees c. Ways and Means/Senate Finance
Congressional Oversight President Override presidential veto Confirm Presidential appointees (federal judges or EBs) Impeachment/Removal Ratify treaties through confirmation War Power Resolution (1973) and War-making 48 hr. Notice 60-90 Deployment Declaration of War or War Authorization
Congressional Oversight Judiciary Confirm Judicial Appointees Creating jurisdiction of legislative courts by law Clarifying appellate jurisdiction of constitutional courts Amending the Constitution Passing laws that are slightly different than laws deemed constitutional Funding the Courts
House v. Senate Comparison HOR District 2 Year Terms Formal Rules Pork in Committees 17 Staff Simple Majority Rules 60-member Committees and Power
House v. Senate Comparison HOR 8. Policy Specialists 9. Centralized 10. Proportionate Representation 11. 435 Members 12. Serve on 10 Committees and Subcommittees 13. Strict Time Limits for Debate 14. Speaker chooses speakers for debate 15. Introduction of a bill to Clerk or through Hopper
House v. Senate Comparison HOR 16. More “Safe” than SEN (90-95% incumbency rate) 17. Most Debate done in committees 18. Operates on Closed or Restrictive Rules 19. Focus on Tax Policy 20. 25 Year Old requirement and 7 years of citizenship 21. Speaker of the House as presiding officer